The Ending of Time
J. Krishnamurti
Dr. David Bohm

KRISHNAMURTI: We left off the other day by saying that when
the mind is totally empty of all the things that thought has put
there, then real meditation begins. But I would like to go more
deeply into that matter, to go back a bit, and find out if the mind,
the brain, can ever be free from all illusion and forms of deception.
Also whether it can have its own order - an order not introduced by
thought, effort or any endeavour to put things in their proper place.
And also, however much damaged the brain is by shock and all
kinds of situations, whether it can heal itself completely.
So first let's begin by asking if there is an order which is not
made by man or by thought - which is not the result of calculated
order out of disturbance, and therefore still part of the old
DAVID BOHM: Are you referring to the mind? I mean, you
can say the order of nature exists on its own.
K: The order of nature is order.
DB: Yes, it is not made by man.
K: But I am not talking of such. I am not sure that it is that kind
of order. Is there cosmic order?
DB: Well, that is still the same thing, in a sense, because the
word `cosmos' means order, but the whole order, which includes
the order of the universe and the order of the mind.
K: Yes. What I am trying to find out is whether there is order
which man can never possibly conceive?
DB: Well, how are we going to discuss it?
K: I don't know. What is order?
NARAYAN: There is mathematical order, the highest kind of
order known to any discipline. K: Would the mathematicians agree
that mathematics is complete order?
N: Yes, mathematics itself is order.
DB: I think it depends on the mathematician. But there is a wellknown
mathematician called Von Neumann who defined
mathematics as the relationship of relationships. Really he meant,
by relationship, order. It is order working within the field of order
itself, rather than working on some object.
K: Yes, that is what I am trying to get at.
DB: So the most creative mathematicians are having a
perception of this, which may be called pure order; but of course it
is limited, because it has to be expressed mathematically, in terms
of formulae or equations.
K: Of course. Is order part of disorder, as we know it?
DB: What we mean by disorder is another question. It is not
possible to give a coherent definition of disorder, because it
violates order. Anything that actually happens has an order, but
you can call a certain thing disorder if you like.
K: Are you saying that anything that happens is order?
DB: Has an order. If the body is not functioning rightly, even if
cancer is growing, there is a certain order in the cancer cell; it is
just growing according to a different pattern, which tends to break
down the body. Nevertheless the whole thing has a certain kind of
K: Yes, yes.
DB: It has not violated the laws of nature, although relative to
some context you could say it is disorder, because, if we are talking
of the health of the body, then the cancer is called disorder. But in
K: Cancer has its own order.
DB: Yes, but it is not compatible with the order of the growth of
the body.
K: Quite. So what do we mean by order? Is there such a thing as
order? DB: Order is a perception; we can't get hold of order.
N: I think that generally when we refer to order it is in relation
to a framework, or in relation to a certain field. Order always has
that connotation. But when you say the order of order, as in the
study of mathematics, we are going away from this limited
approach to it.
DB: You see most mathematics start with the order of the
numbers, like 1, 2, 3, 4, and build on that, in a hierarchy. But you
can see what is meant by the order of the numbers. There is for
example a series of relationships which are constant. In the order of
the numbers, you have the simplest example of order.
N: And a new order was created with the discovery of zero! Are
mathematical order and the order in nature, part of a bigger field?
Or are these localized forms?
K: You see the brain, the mind, is so contradictory, so bruised,
that it can't find order.
DB: Yes, but what kind of order does it want?
K: It wants an order in which it will be safe, in which it won't be
bruised, be shocked, or feel physical and psychological pain.
DB: The whole point of order and mathematics is not to have
K: But the brain is in contradiction.
DB: And something has gone wrong.
K: Yes, we have said that the brain took a wrong turn.
DB: You see, if the body is growing wrongly we have a cancer
cell, which means two contradictory orders - one being the growth
of the cancer, and the other the order of the body.
K: Yes. But can the mind, the brain, be totally free of all
organized order?
DB: You mean by organized order, a fixed or imposed pattern?
K: Yes. Imposed or self-imposed. We are trying to investigate
whether the brain can ever be free from all impositions, pressures,
wounds, bruises and trivialities of existence which are pushing it in
different directions. If it cannot, meditation has no meaning. DB:
You could go further, and say that probably life has no meaning if
you cannot free it of all that.
K: No, I wouldn't say that life has no meaning.
DB: The pattern goes on indefinitely.
K: If it goes on as it has done, indefinitely, for millennia, life
has no meaning. But I think there is a meaning and to find out, the
brain must be totally free.
DB: What is the source of what we call disorder? It is like a
cancer going on inside the brain, moving in a way which is not
compatible with the health of the brain.
K: Yes.
DB: It grows as time goes on, it increases from one generation
to another.
K: Each generation repeats the same pattern.
DB: It tends to accumulate through tradition with every
K: How is this set, accumulated pattern, to end, to be broken
DB: Could we ask another question? Why does the brain
provide the soil for this stuff to grow on?
K: It may be merely tradition or habit.
DB: But why does the brain stay in that?
K: It feels safe. It is afraid of something new taking place,
because in the old tradition it finds refuge.
DB: Then we have to question why the brain deceives itself.
This pattern involves the fact that the brain deceives itself about
disorder. It doesn't seem able to see it clearly.
N: In my mind there is intelligence behind order which makes
use of it. I have a certain purpose for which I create an order, and
when the purpose is over I set aside that order or pattern. So order
has an intelligence which works it out. That is the usual
connotation. But you are referring to something else. K: I am
asking whether this pattern of generations can be broken, and why
the brain has accepted that pattern in spite of all its conflicts and
N: I am saying the same thing in a different way. When an order
has served its purpose, can it then be put aside?
K: Apparently it can't. We are speaking psychologically. It
can't. The brain goes on, repeating fears, sorrow, miseries. Is it so
heavily conditioned that it cannot see its way out of it, because, by
constant repetition, the brain has become dull?
N: The momentum of repetition is there?
K: Yes. That momentum makes the mind mechanical. And in
that sluggishness it takes refuge and says, `It's all right, I can go on.
That's what most human beings do.
DB: That is part of the disorder. To think in that way is a
manifestation of disorder.
K: Of course.
N: Do you connect order with intelligence? Or is order
something that exists on its own?
DB: Intelligence involves order; it requires the perception of
order in an orderly way, without contradiction. But I think that, in
the terms of this discussion, we ourselves don't create this; we don't
impose this order, but rather it is natural.
K: Yes. I am the ordinary man. I see that I am caught. My
whole way of living and thinking is out of this enormous length of
time. Time is my whole existence. In the past, which cannot be
changed, I take refuge. Right?
DB: Well I think that if we were to talk to the so-called ordinary
man, we would find he doesn't really understand that time is
something that happens to him.
K: I am saying an ordinary man can see, after talking over with
another, that his whole existence is based on time. And the mind
takes refuge in time - in the past.
DB: What does that mean exactly? How does it take refuge?
K: Because the past cannot be changed. DB: Yes, but people
also think of the future. It is common to think that the future can
change. The Communists have said, give up the past, we are going
to change the future.
K: But we can't give up the past, even if we think we can.
DB: Then if even those who try not to take refuge in the past,
can't give it up, it seems that whatever we do, we are stuck.
K: So the next step is, why does the brain accept this way of
living? Why doesn't it break it down? Is it through laziness or that
in breaking it down it has no hope?
DB: That is still the same question, of going from past to future.
K: Of course. So what is the brain to do? This is applicable to
most people, isn't it?
DB: We haven't understood why, when people see that their
behaviour is disorderly or irrational, they try to give up the past,
but find they cannot.
K: Wait, Sir. If I give up the past, I have no existence. If I give
up all my remembrances, I have nothing; I am nothing.
DB: I think some people like the Marxists would look at it a
little differently. Marx said that it is necessary to transform the
conditions of human society and that this will remove the past.
K: But it has not done so. It cannot be done.
DB: That is because when man tries to transform it he still
works from the past.
K: Yes, that's what I am saying.
DB: If you say, don't depend on the past at all, then, as you have
asked, what are we going to do?
K: I am nothing: is that the reason why we cannot possibly give
up the past? Because my existence, my way of thinking, my life,
everything, is from the past. And if you say, wipe that out, what
have I left?
DB: I think you could say that obviously we have to keep
certain things from the past, like useful knowledge.
K: Yes, we have been through all that. DB: But you could ask,
suppose we keep that useful part of the past, and wipe out all
aspects of the past which are contradictory?
K: Which are all psychologically contradictory. Then what is
left? Just going to the office? There is nothing. Is that the reason
why we cannot give it up?
DB: There is still a contradiction in that, because if you say,
`what is left', you are still asking from the past.
K: Of course.
DB: Are you simply saying that when people talk of giving up
the past, they are just not doing it, but merely turning this into
another question which avoids the issue?
K: Because my whole being is the past; it has changed or been
modified, but its roots are in the past.
DB: Now if you said, `All right, give all that up and in the
future you will have something quite different, and better', would
people then be attracted to this?
K: But `better' is still from the past.
DB: But people want to be assured of at least something.
K: That is just it. There is nothing. The ordinary human being
wants something to which he can cling.
DB: He may feel, not that he is clinging to the past, but reaching
for something.
K: If I reach something it is still the past.
DB: Yes, it has its roots in the past, but that is not often
obvious, because people say it is a big, new revolutionary situation.
K: As long as I have my roots in the past there cannot be order.
DB: Because the past is pervaded with disorder.
K: Yes. And is my mind, my brain, willing to see that there is
absolutely nothing if I give up the past?
DB: And nothing to reach for.
K: Nothing. There is no movement. Sometimes people dangle a
carrot in front of me and, foolishly, I follow it. But I see that there
are really no carrots, no rewards or punishments. Then how is this
past to be dissolved? Because otherwise I am still living in the field
of time that is man-made. So what shall I do? Am I willing to face
absolute emptiness?
DB: What will you tell somebody who is not willing to face
K: I am not bothered. If somebody says that he can't do all this,
I say, `Well, carry on'.
But I am willing to let my past go completely. Which means
there is no effort or reward; nothing. And the brain is willing to
face this extraordinary and totally new state of existing in
nothingness. That is appallingly frightening.
DB: Even these words will have their meaning rooted in the
K: Of course. We have understood that; the word is not the
thing. The mind says it is willing to do that, to face this absolute
emptiness, because it has seen for itself that all the places where it
has taken refuge are illusions...
DB: I think this leaves out something that you brought up
earlier - the question of the damage of scars to the brain.
K: That is just it.
DB: The brain that isn't damaged could possibly let go the past
fairly readily.
K: Look, can I discover what has caused damage to the brain?
Surely one of the factors is strong, sustained emotions, like hatred.
DB: probably a flash of emotion doesn't do so much damage,
but people sustain it.
K: Of course. Hatred, anger and violence not only shock but
wound the brain. Right?
DB: And getting excessively excited.
K: Of course; and drugs, etc. The natural response doesn't
damage the brain. Now the brain is damaged; suppose it has been
damaged through anger?
DB: You could even say that nerves probably get connected up
in the wrong way, and that the connections are too fixed. I think
there is evidence that these things will actually change the
K: Yes, and can we have an insight into the whole nature of
disturbance, so that the insight changes the cells of the brain which
have been wounded?
DB: Well, possibly it would start them healing.
K: All right. That healing must be immediate.
DB: It may take time in the sense that, if wrong connections
hade been made, it is going to take time to redistribute the material.
The beginning of it, it seems to me, is immediate.
K: All right. Can I do that? I have listened to `X', I have
carefully read, I have thought about all this, and I see that anger,
violence, hatred - any excessive emotion - bruises the brain. And
insight into this whole business brings about a mutation in the
cells. It is so. Also the nerves - the adjustments, will be as rapid as
DB: Something happens with cancer cells. Sometimes the
cancer suddenly stops growing, and it goes the other way, for some
reason that is unknown. But a change must have taken place in
those cells.
K: Could it be that the brain cells change fundamentally, and
the cancer process stops?
DB: Yes. Fundamentally it stops, and begins to dismantle.
K: Dismantle, yes that is it.
N: You are saying that insight sets into motion the right kind of
connections, and stops the wrong connections?
DB: And it even dismantles the wrong connections.
N: So a beginning is made, and it is made now.
DB: At one moment.
K: That is the insight.
N: But there is no time involved, because the right movement
has started now. There is another thing which I want to ask about
the past: for most people, the past means pleasure.
K: Not only pleasure but the remembrance of everything.
N: One starts disliking pleasure only when it becomes stale, or
leads to difficulties. One wants pleasure all the time.
K: Of course.
N: It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between pleasure and
the staleness or the difficulties that it brings.
K: Pleasure is always the past; there is no pleasure at the
moment it is happening. That comes in later, when it is
remembered. So the remembrance is the past. But I am willing to
face nothingness which means to wipe out all that!
N: But I am saying that the human being, even though he
understands what you are saying, is held back in this field.
K: Because he is not willing to face this emptiness. Pleasure is
not compassion. pleasure is not love, pleasure has no place in
compassion. But perhaps if there is this mutation, compassion is
stronger than pleasure.
DB: Even the perception of order may be stronger than
pleasure. If people are really concerned with something, the
pleasure plays no role at that moment.
N: But what happens to a man in whom pleasure is dominant?
K: We have already discussed this. As long as he is unwilling to
face this extraordinary emptiness, he will keep on with the old
DB: You see, we have to say that this man had a damaged brain
too. It is brain damage which causes this emphasis on pleasure, as
well as the fear and the anger.
K: But the damaged brain is healed when there is insight.
DB: Yes. But I think many people who would understand that
hate and anger are products of the damaged brain would find it
hard to see that pleasure also is the product of the damaged brain.
K: Oh, yes, but of course it is. DB: Can we say there is a true
enjoyment, which is not the product of the damaged brain, which is
confused with pleasure.?
N: If pleasure gives rise to anger, anger is part of the damaged
K: And also the demand for pleasure.
So do you have an insight into how very destructive the past is
to the brain? Can the brain itself see, have an insight into this, and
move out of it?
N: You are saying that the beginning of order comes from
K: Obviously. Let's work from there.
N: May I put it in a different way? Is it possible to gather a
certain amount of order in a pattern sense, artificially, so that it
gives rise to a certain amount of insight?
K: Ah! You cannot find truth through the false.
N: I am asking it purposefully because many people seem to
lack the energy that is required for insight.
K: You are tremendously keen to earn a livelihood, to earn
money, to do anything in which you are really interested. If you are
interested vitally in this transformation, etc., you have the energy.
May we go on? I, as a human being, have seen that this insight
has wiped away the past, and the brain is willing to live in
nothingness. Right? We have come to this point several times from
different directions. Now let's go on. Now there isn't a thing put
there by thought. There is no movement of thought, except factual
knowledge which has its own place. But talking psychologically,
there is no movement in the mind or of thought. There is absolutely
DB: You mean no feeling either? You see, the movement of
thought and feeling is together.
K: Wait a minute. What do you mean here by feeling?
DB: Well, usually people might say, all right, there is no
thought, but they have various feelings.
K: Of course we have feelings. DB: These are sensations. And
also there are the inner feelings.
K: Inner feelings of what?
DB: It is hard to describe them. Those that can easily be
described are obviously the wrong kind, such as anger and fear.
K: Is compassion a feeling?
DB: probably not.
K: No, it is not a feeling.
DB: Though people may say they feel compassionate! Even the
very word suggests it is a form of feeling. Compassion has in it the
word `passion', which is feeling. This is a difficult question. We
could perhaps question what we usually recognize as feelings?
K: Let's go into that a little bit. What do we mean by feelings?
DB: Well, people don't usually mean that. You see, sensations
are connected with the body.
K: So you are talking of feelings which are not of the body?
DB: Yes, or which - in the old days - would have been
described as of the soul.
K: The soul, of course. That is an easy escape but it means
DB: No.
K: What are the inner feelings? pleasure?
DB: Well, in so far as you could label it, that description would
not be valid.
K: So what is valid? The non-verbal state?
DB: It may be a non-verbal state... something analogous to a
feeling which isn't fixed, that can't be named.
N: You are saying it is not feeling, it is similar to feeling, but it
is not fixed?
DB: Yes. I am just considering that that could exist if we say
that there is no thought. I am trying to clarify this. K: Yes, there is
no thought.
DB: What does that really mean?
K: What it really means is, thought is movement, thought is
time. Right? In that emptiness there is not time or thought.
DB: Yes, and perhaps no sense of the existence of an entity
K: Absolutely, of course. The existence of the entity is the
bundle of memories, the past.
DB: But that existence is not only thought thinking about it, but
also the feeling that it is there; you get a sort of feeling inside.
K: A feeling, yes. There is no being. There is nothing. If there is
a feeling of the being continuing...
DB: Yes, even though it doesn't seem possible to verbalize
this... It would be a state without desire. How can we know if this
state is real, is genuine?
K: That is what I am asking. How do we know, or realize that
this is so? In other words, do you want proof of it?
N: Not proof, but communication of that state.
K: Now wait a minute. Suppose someone has this peculiar
compassion, how can he communicate it Lo me, if I am living in
pleasure and all that? He can't!
N: No, but I am prepared to listen to him.
K: Prepared to listen, but how deeply? The man says there is no
being. And one's whole life has been this becoming. And, in that
state, he says there is no being at all. In other words, there is no
`me'. Right? Now you say, `Show it to me'. It can be shown only
through certain qualities that it has, certain actions. What are the
actions of a mind that is totally empty of being? Actions at what
level? Actions in the physical world?
N: Partly.
K: Mostly that. All right, this man has got this sense of
emptiness, and there is no being. He is not acting from self-centred
interests. His actions are in the world of daily living, and you can
judge whether he is a hypocrite, whether he says something and
contradicts it the next moment, or whether he is actually living this
compassion and not just saying, `I feel compassionate'.
DB: But if one is not doing the same, one can't tell.
K: That's right. That is what I am saying.
N: We can't judge him.
K: You can't. So how can he convey to us in words that peculiar
quality of mind? He can describe, go round it, but he can't give the
essence of it. Dr. Bohm, for example, could discuss with Einstein;
they were on the same level. And he and I can discuss. If one has
this sense of not being, of emptiness, the other can go very close,
but can never enter that mind unless he has it!
N: Is there any way of communicating, for one who is open, but
not through words?
K: We are talking of compassion. It is not, `I feel
compassionate'. That is altogether wrong. You see, in daily life
such a mind acts without the `me', without the `ego'. Therefore it
might make a mistake, but it corrects immediately; it is not
carrying that mistake.
N: It is not stuck.
K: Not stuck. But we must be very careful here not to find an
excuse for wrong!
So we come to that point that we discussed earlier; what then is
meditation? Right? For the man who is becoming, meditation has
no meaning whatsoever. That is a tremendous statement. When
there is not this being or becoming, what is meditation? It must be
totally unconscious, totally uninvited.
DB: Do you mean, without conscious intention?
K: Yes, I think that is right. Would you say - I hope this doesn't
sound silly - that the universe, the cosmic order, is in meditation?
DB: Well, if it is alive, then we would have to look at it that
K: No, no. It is in a state of meditation.
DB: Yes.
K: I think that is right. I stick to that. DB: We should try to go
further into what is meditation. What is it doing?
N: If you say that the universe is in meditation, is the expression
of it order? What order can we discern which would indicate
cosmic or universal meditation?
K: The sunrise and sunset; all the stars, the planets are order.
The whole thing is in perfect order.
DB: We have to connect this with meditation. According to the
dictionary, the meaning of meditation is to reflect, to turn
something over in the mind, and to pay close attention.
K: And also to measure.
DB: That is a further meaning, but it is to weigh, to ponder, it
means, measure, in the sense of weighing.
K: Weighing, that's it. ponder, think over, and so on.
DB: To weigh the significance of something. Now is that what
you mean?
K: No.
DB: Then why do you use the word?
N: I am told that, in English, contemplation has a different
connotation from meditation. Contemplation implies a deeper state
of mind.
DB: It is hard to know. The word `contemplate' comes from the
word temple, really.
K: Yes, that's right.
DB: Its basic meaning is, to create an open space.
K: Is that an open space between God and me?
DB: That is the way the word arose.
K: Quite.
N: The Sanskrit word Dhyans doesn't have the same
connotation as meditation.
K: No. N: Because meditation has the overtones of
measurement, and probably, in an oblique way, that measurement
is order.
K: No, I don't want to bring in order - let's leave the word order
out. We have been through that, and beaten it to death!
DB: Why do you use the word meditation?
K: Don't let's use it.
DB: Let's find out what you really mean here.
K: Would you say, a state of infinity? A measureless state?
DB: Yes.
K: There is no division of any kind. You see we are giving lots
of descriptions, but it is not that.
DB: Yes, but is there any sense of the mind being in some way
aware of itself?
Is that what you are trying to say? At other times you have said
that the mind is emptying itself of content.
K: What are you trying to get at?
DB: I am asking whether it is not only infinite, but if something
more is involved?
K: Oh, much more.
DB: We said that content is the past which is making disorder.
Then you could say that this emptying of content in some sense is
constantly cleaning up the past. Would you agree to that?
K: No, no.
DB: When you say the mind is emptying itself of content...
K: Has emptied itself.
DB: All right, then. When the past is cleaned up, then you say
that is meditation.
K: That is meditation; no, contemplation...
N: Just a beginning.
K: Beginning?
N: The emptying of the past. K: That emptying of the past,
which is anger, jealousy, beliefs, dogmas, attachments, etc., must
be done. If that is not emptied, if any part of that exists, it will
inevitably lead to illusion. The brain or the mind must be totally
free of all illusion, illusion brought by desire, by hope, by wanting
security, and all that.
DB: Are you saying that when this is done, it opens the door to
something broader, deeper?
K: Yes. Otherwise life has no meaning; it is just repeating this
N: What exactly did you mean when you said that the universe
is meditation?
K: I feel that way, yes.
DB: Could we say first of all that the universe is not actually
governed by its past? You see, the universe creates certain forms
which are relatively constant, so that people who look at it
superficially only see that, and it seems then to be determined from
the past.
K: Yes, it is not governed by the past. It is creative, moving.
DB: And then this movement is order.
K: Would you, as a scientist, accept such a thing?
DB: Well as a matter of fact I would!
K: Are we both crazy? Let's put the question another way: is it
really possible for time to end - the whole idea of time as the past -
chronologically, so that there is no tomorrow at all? There is the
feeling, the actual reality, psychologically, of having no tomorrow.
I think that is the healthiest way of living - which doesn't mean that
I become irresponsible! That would be too childish.
DB: It is merely a question of physical time, which is a certain
part of natural order.
K: Of course; that is understood.
DB: The question is whether we have a sense of experiencing
past and future or whether we are free of that sense.
K: I am asking you, as a scientist, is the universe based on time?
DB: I would say no, but you see the general way...
K: That is all I want. You say no! And can the brain, which has
evolved in time.?
DB: Well, has it evolved in time? Rather it has become
entangled in time. Because the brain is part of the universe, which
we say is not based on time.
K: I agree.
DB: thought has entangled the brain in time.
K: All right. Can that entanglement be unravelled, freed, so that
the universe is the mind? You follow? If the universe is not of
time, can the mind, which has been entangled in time, unravel itself
and so be the universe? You follow what I am trying to say?
DB: Yes.
K: That is order.
DB: That is order. And would you say that it is meditation?
K: That is it. I would call that meditation, not in the ordinary,
dictionary sense of pondering, and all that, but a state of meditation
in which there is no element of the past.
DB: You say the mind is disentangling itself from time, and
also really disentangling the brain from time?
K: Yes, would you accept that?
DB: Yes.
K: As a theory?
DB: Yes, as a proposal.
K: No, I don't want it as a proposal.
DB: What do you mean by theory?
K: Theory - when somebody comes along and says, this is real
DB: All right.
K: Wait. Somebody says, one can live this way; life has an
extraordinary meaning in it, full of compassion, etc., and every act
in the physical world can be corrected immediately, and so on.
Would you, as a scientist, accept such a state, or say that the man
who talks of it is cuckoo?
DB: No, I wouldn't say that. I feel it is perfectly possible; it is
quite compatible with anything that I know about nature.
K: Oh, then that's all right. So one is not an unbalanced cuckoo!
Of course putting all this into words is not the thing. Right? That is
understood. But can it be communicated to another? Now can s me
of us get to this, so that we can communicate it, actually?
KRISHNAMURTI: What makes the mind always follow a certain
pattern? Always seeking? If it lets go of one pattern it picks up
another; it keeps on functioning all the time like that. One can give
explanations why it does so - for protection, for safety, from
indifference, certain amount of callousness, a disregard of one's
own flowering, etc.
But it is really very important to explore deeply why our minds
are always operating in a certain direction.
We said that one comes, after going through travail,
investigation, and insight, to a blank wall. And that blank wall can
only wither away, or be broken down, when there is love and
intelligence. Before we go into that, I would like to ask why human
beings, however intelligent, however learned, however
philosophical and religious, always fall into this groove of pattern
DAVID BOHM: Well, I think the groove is inherent in the
nature of the accumulated knowledge.
K: Are you saying then that knowledge must invariably create a
DB: perhaps it is not inevitable but it seems to develop this way
in mankind, if we are referring to psychological knowledge, that is
to say...
K: Obviously we are talking of that. But why does the mind not
become aware of it - see the danger of this mechanical repetition,
and the fact that there is nothing new in it? See how we keep on
doing it?
DB: It seems to me that the groove, or the accumulated
knowledge, seems to have a significance far beyond what its
significance is. If we say that we have knowledge of some object,
like the microphone, that has some limited significance. But
knowledge about the nation to which you belong seems to have
immense significance. K: Yes. So is this attribution of significance
the cause of the narrowing down of the mind?
DB: Because this knowledge seems to have a tremendous value
beyond all other values, it makes the mind stick to that. It seems
the most important thing in the world.
K: In India, there is this philosophy that knowledge must end -
you know it, of course, the Vedanta. But apparently very, very, few
people do end knowledge and talk from freedom.
DB: You see, knowledge generally seems to be extremely
important, even when a person may say verbally that it should
K: You mean I am so stupid that I don't see that this
psychological knowledge has very little significance, and so my
mind clings to it?
DB: I wouldn't quite put it that a person is that stupid, but rather
say that his knowledge stupefies the brain.
K: Stupefied, all right. But the brain doesn't seem to extricate
DB: It is already so stupefied that it can't see what it is doing.
K: So what shall it do? I have been watching for many years
people attempting to become free from certain things. This is the
root of it, you understand? This psychological accumulation which
becomes psychological knowledge. And so it divides, and all kinds
of things happen around it and within it. And yet the mind refuses
to let go.
DB: Yes.
K: Why? Is that because there is safety or security in it?
DB: That is part of it, but I think in some way that knowledge
has taken on the significance of the absolute, instead of being
K: I understand all that, but you are not answering my question.
I am an ordinary man, I realize all this, and the limited significance
of knowledge at different levels, but deeper down inside one, this
accumulated knowledge is very destructive. DB: The knowledge
deceives the mind, so that the person is not normally aware that it
is destructive. Once this process gets started, the mind is not in a
state where it is able to look at it because it is avoiding the
question. There is a tremendous defensive mechanism or escape
from looking at the whole issue.
K: Why?
DB: Because it seems that something extremely precious might
be at stake.
K: One is strangely intelligent, capable or skilled in other
directions but here, where the root is of all this trouble, why don't
we comprehend what is happening? What prevents the mind from
doing this?
DB: Once importance has been given to knowledge, there is a
mechanical process that resists intelligence.
K: So what shall I do? I realize I must let go the accumulated,
psychological knowledge - which is divisive, destructive and petty
- but I can't. Is this because of lack of energy?
DB: Not primarily, though the energy is being dissipated by the
K: Having dissipated a great deal of energy, I haven't the energy
to grapple with this?
DB: The energy would come back quickly if we could
understand this. I don't think that is the main point.
K: No. So what shall I do, realizing that this knowledge is
inevitably forming a groove in which I live? How am I to break it
DB: Well, I am not sure that it is generally clear to people that
this knowledge does all that; or that the knowledge is knowledge.
You see, it may seem to be some `being', the `self', and `me'. This
knowledge creates the `me', and the `me' is the experience as an
entity, which seems not to be knowledge but some real being.
K: Are you saying that this `being' is different from knowledge?
DB: It appears to be; it feigns a difference.
K: But is it? DB: It isn't, but the illusion has great power.
K: That has been our conditioning.
DB: Yes. Now the question is, how do we get through that to
break down the groove, because it creates the imitation, or a
pretension, of a state of being?
K: That is the real point, you see. This is man's central
movement. It seems so utterly hopeless. And realizing the
hopelessness I sit down and say I can't do anything. But if I apply
my mind to it, the question arises, is it possible to function without
psychological knowledge in this world? I am rather concerned
about it; it seems the basic issue that man must resolve, all over the
DB: That is right. But you may discuss with somebody, who
thinks it seems reasonable. But perhaps his status is threatened, and
we have to say that that is psychological knowledge. It doesn't
seem to him that it is knowledge, but something more. And he
doesn't see that his knowledge of his status is behind the trouble.
At first sight knowledge seems to be something passive, which you
could use if you wanted to, and which you could just put aside if
you wished, which is the way it should be.
K: I understand all that.
DB: But then the moment comes when knowledge no longer
appears to be knowledge.
K: The politicians and the people in power wouldn't listen to
this. And neither would the so-called religious people. It is only the
people who are discontented, who feel they have lost everything,
who will listen. But they don't always listen so that it is a real
burning thing.
How does one go about this? Say, for instance, I have left
Catholicism and protestantism, and all that. Also I have a career
and I know that it is necessary to have knowledge there. Now I see
how important it is not to be caught in the process of psychological
knowledge, and yet I can't let it go. It is always dodging me; I am
playing tricks with it. It is like hide and seek. All right! We said
that is the wall I have to break down. No, not I - that is the wall
that has to be broken down. And we have said that this wall can be
broken down through love and intelligence. Aren't we asking
something enormously difficult?
DB: It is difficult.
K: I am this side of the wall, and you are asking me to have that
love and intelligence which will destroy it. But I don't know what
that love is, what that intelligence is, because I am caught in this,
on this other side of the wall. I realize logically, sanely, that what
you are saying is accurate, true, logical, and I see the importance of
it, but the wall is so strong and dominant and powerful that I can't
get beyond it. We said the other day that the wall could be broken
down through insight - if insight does not become translated into
an idea.
DB: Yes.
K: When insight is discussed, there is the danger of our making
an abstraction of it; which means we move away from the fact, and
the abstraction becomes all important. Which means, again,
DB: Yes, the activity of knowledge.
K: So we are back again!
DB: I think the general difficulty is that knowledge is not just
sitting there as a form of information, but is extremely active,
meeting and shaping every moment according to past knowledge.
So even when we raise this issue, knowledge is all the time
waiting, and then acting. Our whole tradition is that knowledge is
not active but passive. But it is really active, although people don't
generally think of it that way. They think it is just sitting there.
K: It is waiting.
DB: Waiting to act, you see. And whatever we try to do about
it, knowledge is already acting. By the time we realize that this is
the problem, it has already acted.
K: Yes. But do I realize it as a problem, or as an idea which I
must carry out? You see the difference?
DB: Knowledge automatically turns everything into an idea,
which we must carry out. That is the whole way it is built.
K: The whole way we have lived. DB: Knowledge can't do
anything else.
K: How are we to break that, even for a second?
DB: It seems to me that if you could see, observe, be aware - if
knowledge could be aware of itself at work... The point is that
knowledge seems to work unawares, simply waiting, and then
acting, by which time it has disrupted the order of the brain.
K: I am very concerned about this because wherever I go this is
what is happening. It is something that has to be resolved. Would
you say the capacity to listen is far more important than any of this,
than any explanations, or logic?
DB: It comes to the same problem.
K: No, no. It doesn't. I want to see if there is a possibility that
when I listen completely to what you are saying, the wall has
broken down. You understand? Is there - I am trying to find out,
Sir - I am an ordinary man and you are telling me all this, and I
realize what you are saying is so. I am really deeply involved in
what you are saying, but somehow the flame isn't lit; all the fuel is
there, but the fire is not. So what shall I do? This is my everlasting
DB: The brain has the capacity to listen; we have to question
whether the ordinary man is so full of opinions that he can't listen.
K: You can't listen with opinions; you might just as well be
DB: I think knowledge has all sorts of defences. Is it possible
for, say, the ordinary man to have this perception? That is really
what you are asking, isn't it?
K: Yes. But there must be a communication between you and
that man, something so strong that the very act of his listening to
you, and you communicating with him, operates.
DB: Yes, then you have to break through his opinions, through
the whole structure.
K: Of course. That is why this man has come here - for that. He
has finished with all the churches and doctrines. He realizes that
what has been said here is true. When you communicate with him,
your communication is strong and real, because you are not
speaking from knowledge or opinions. A free human being is
trying to communicate with this ordinary man. Now can he listen
with that intensity which you, the communicator, are giving him?
He wants to listen to somebody who is telling the truth, and in the
very telling of it, something is taking place in him. Because he is
so ardently listening, this happens.
It is rather like you as a scientist, telling one of your students
something. You are telling him about something which must be
enormously important, because you have given your life to it. And
has given up much just to come here. Is it the fault of the
communicator that the listener does not receive it instantly? Or is
the listener incapable of hearing it?
DB: Well, if he is incapable of listening, then nothing can be
done. But let's say there is somebody who comes along who has
got through some of these defences, although there are others that
he is not aware of - that is something less simple than what you
have described.
K: I feel it is dreadfully simple somehow. If one could listen
with all one's being, the brain would not be caught in the groove.
You see, generally, in communication, you are telling me
something and I am absorbing it, but there is an interval between
you telling and my absorbing.
DB: Yes.
K: And that interval is the danger. If I don't absolutely absorb,
listen with all my being, it is finished. Is listening difficult because
in this there is no shadow of pleasure? You are not offering any
pleasure, any gratification. You are saying this is so; take it. But
my mind is so involved in pleasure that it won't listen to anything
that is not completely satisfactory or pleasurable.
I realize too the danger of that. Of seeking satisfaction and
pleasure, so I put that aside too. There is no pleasure, no reward, no
punishment. In listening, there is only pure observation.
So we come to the point, is pure observation, which is actually
listening, love? I think it is.
Again, if you state this, then my mind says `Give it to me. Tell
me what to do.' But when I ask you to tell me what to do,I am back
in the field of knowledge. It is so instantaneous. So I refuse to ask
you what to do. Then where am I? You have referred to perception
without any motive or direction. Pure perception is love. And in
that perception love is intelligence. They are not three separate
things, they are all one thing. You pointed all this out very
carefully, step by step, and I have come to that point that I have a
feeling for it. But it goes away so quickly. Then the question
begins, `How am I to get it back?' Again, the remembrance of it,
which is knowledge, blocks.
DB: What you are saying is that every time there is a
communication, knowledge begins to work in many different
K: So you see it is enormously difficult to be free of knowledge.
DB: We could ask, why doesn't knowledge wait until it is
K: That means to be psychologically free of knowledge, but,
when the need arises, to act from freedom, not from knowledge.
DB: But knowledge comes in to inform your action, although it
is not the source.
K: That is freedom from knowledge. And being free, it is from
freedom and not from knowledge that one communicates. That is,
from emptiness there is communication. When we use words, they
are the outcome of knowledge, but they are from that state of
complete freedom. Now, suppose I, as an ordinary human being,
have come to that point where there is this freedom, and from it
communication takes place - will you, as an eminent scientist,
communicate with me without any barrier? You follow what I am
DB: Yes. There is this freedom from knowledge when
knowledge is seen to be information. But ordinarily it seems more
than information, and knowledge itself does not see that knowledge
is not free.
K: It is never free. And if I am going to understand myself, I
must be free to look.
How will you communicate with me, who have come to a
certain point where I am burning to receive what you are saying, so
completely that psychological knowledge is finished? Or am I
fooling myself about being in that state?
DB: Well, that is the question: knowledge is constantly
deceiving itself. K: So is my mind always deceiving itself? Then
what shall I do? Let's come back to that.
DB: Again I think the answer is to listen.
K: Why don't we listen? Why don't we immediately understand
this thing? One can give all the superficial reasons why - old age,
conditioning, laziness, and so on.
DB: But is it possible to give the deep reason for it?
K: I think it is that the knowledge which is the `me' is so
tremendously strong as an idea.
DB: Yes, that is why I tried to say that the idea has tremendous
significance and meaning. For example, suppose you have the idea
of God; this takes on a tremendous power.
K: Or if I have the idea that I am British, or French, it gives me
great energy.
DB: And so it creates a state of the body which seems the very
being of the self Now the person doesn't experience it as mere
K: Yes, but are we going round and round and round? It seems
like it.
DB: Well, I was wondering if there is anything that could be
communicated about that overwhelming power that seems to come
with knowledge...
K: ...and with identification.
DB: That seems to be something that would be worth looking
K: Now what is the root meaning of `identification'?
DB: Always the same.
K: Always the same, that's right. That's right! There is nothing
new under the sun.
DB: You say the self is always the same. It tries to be always
the same in essence, if not in detail.
K: Yes, yes. DB: I think this is the thing that goes wrong with
knowledge. It attempts to be involved with what is always the
same, so it sticks, you see. Knowledge itself tries to find what is
permanent and perfect. I mean, even independent of any of us. It is
like building it into the cells.
K: From this arises the question, is it possible to attend
diligently? I am using `diligence' in the sense of being accurate.
DB: Actually it means to take pains.
K: Of course. To take pains, take the whole of it. There must be
some other way round all this intellectual business. We have
exercised a great deal of it and that intellectual capacity has led to
the blank wall. I approach it from every direction, but eventually
the wall is there, which is the `me', with my knowledge, my
prejudice, and all the rest of it. And the `me' then says, `I must do
something about it. Which is still the `me'.
DB: The `me' wants always to be constant, but at the same time
it tries to change.
K: To put on a different coat. It is always the same. So the mind
which is functioning with the `me' is always the same mind. Good
Lord, you see, we are back again!
We have tried everything - fasting, every kind of discipline - to
get rid of the `me' with all its knowledge and illusions. One tries to
identify with something else, which is the same thing. One then
comes back to the fundamental question, what will make the blank
wall totally disappear? I think this is only possible when the man
who is blocked can give total attention to what the free man is
saying. There is no other means to break down the wall - not the
intellect, not the emotions, nor anything else. When somebody who
has gone beyond the wall, who has broken it down, says, `Listen,
for God's sake listen,' and I listen to him with my mind empty, then
it is finished. You know what I am saying? I have no sense of
hoping for anything to happen, or anything to come back, or
concern with the future. The mind is empty, and therefore
listening. It is finished.
For a scientist to discover something new, he must have a
certain emptiness from which there will be a different perception.
DB: Yes, but only in the sense that usually the question is
limited, and so the mind may be empty with regard to that
particular question, allowing the discovery of an insight in that
area. But we are not questioning this particular area. We are
questioning the whole of knowledge.
K: It is most extraordinary when you go into it.
DB: And you were saying the end of knowledge is the Vedanta.
K: That is the real answer.
DB: But generally people feel they must keep knowledge in one
area to be able to question it in another. You see it might worry
people to ask, with what knowledge do I question the whole of
K: Yes. With what knowledge do I question my knowledge?
DB: In a way, we do have knowledge, because we have seen
that this whole structure of psychological knowledge makes no
sense, that it is inconsistent and has no meaning.
K: From that emptiness that we were talking of, is there a
ground or a source from which all things begin? Matter, human
beings, their capacities, their idiocies - does the whole movement
start from there?
DB: We could consider that. But let's try to clarify it a little. We
have the emptiness.
K: Yes, emptiness in which there is no movement of thought as
psychological knowledge. And therefore no psychological time.
DB: Though we still have the time of the watch...
K: Yes, but we have gone beyond that; don't let's go back to it.
There is no psychological time, no movement of thought. And is
that emptiness the beginning of all movement?
DB: Well, would you say the emptiness is the ground?
K: That is what I am asking. Let's go slowly into this.
DB: Earlier on, we were saying that there is the emptiness, and
beyond that is the ground.
K: I know, I know. Let's discuss this further.
KRISHNAMURTI: We talked the other day about a mind that is
entirely free from all movement, from all the things that thought
has put there, the past, and the future, and so on. But before we go
into that I would like to discuss man's being caught in materialistic
attitudes and values, and to ask, what is the nature of materialism?
DAVID BOHM: Well, first of all materialism is the name of a
certain philosophical...
K: I don't mean that. I want to explore this.
DB: Matter is all there is, you see.
K: That is, nature and all human beings, react physically. This
reaction is sustained by thought. And thought is a material process.
So reaction in nature is a materialistic response.
DB: I think the word `materialistic' is not quite right. It is the
response of matter.
K: The response of matter; let's put it that way. That is better.
We are talking about having an empty mind, and we have come to
that point when the wall has been broken down. This emptiness
and what lies beyond it, or through it - we will come to that, but
before doing so, I am asking, is all reaction matter?
DB: Matter in movement. You could say that there is evidence
in favour of that, that science has found a tremendous number of
reactions which are due to the nerves.
K: So would you say that matter and movement are the
reactions which exist in all organic matter?
DB: Yes, all matter as we know it goes by the law of action and
reaction, you see. Every action has a corresponding reaction.
K: So action and reaction are a material process, as is thought.
Now, to go beyond it is the issue. DB: But before we say that,
some people might feel that there is no meaning in going beyond it.
That would be the philosophy of materialism.
K: But if one is merely living in that area it is very, very
shallow. Right? It has really no meaning at all.
DB: perhaps one should refer to one thing that people have said
- that matter is not merely action and reaction, but may have a
creative movement. You see, matter may create new forms.
K: But it is still in that area.
DB: Yes. Let's try to make it clear. We have to see that there are
very subtle forms of materialism which might be difficult to pin
K: Let's begin. Would you consider that thought is a material
DB: Yes. Well, some people might argue that it is both material,
and something beyond material.
K: I know. I have discussed this. But it is not.
DB: How can we say that simply, to make it clear?
K: Because any movement of thought is a material process.
DB: Well, we have to amplify this so that it is not a matter of
authority. As an observation, one sees that thought is a material
process. Now how are you going to see that?
K: How could one be aware that thought is a material process? I
think that is fairly clear. There is an experience, an incident which
is recorded, which becomes knowledge. And from that knowledge,
thought arises and action takes place.
DB: Yes. So we say that thought is that. It is still coming from
the background. So are you saying that something new coming into
being is not part of this process?
K: Yes, if there is to be something new, thought, as a material
process, must end. Obviously.
DB: And then it may take it up later. K: Later, yes. Wait, see
what happens later. So we say all action, reaction and action from
that reaction is movement of matter.
DB: Yes, very subtle movement of matter.
K: So as long as one's mind is within that area, it must be a
movement of matter. So is it possible for the mind to go beyond
reaction? That is the next step. As we said earlier one gets irritated,
and that is the first reaction. Then the reaction to that, the second
reaction, is `I must not be'. Then the third reaction is, `I must
control or justify'. So it is constantly action and reaction. Can one
see that this is a continuous movement without an ending?
DB: Yes. The reaction is continuous, but it seems at a certain
moment to have ended, and the next moment appears to be a new
K: But it is still reaction.
DB: It is still the same but it presents itself differently.
K: It is exactly the same always...
DB: But it presents itself as always different, always new.
K: Of course. That's just it. You say something, I get irritated,
but that irritation is a reaction.
DB: Yes, it seems to be something suddenly new.
K: But it is not.
DB: But one has to be aware of that, you see. Generally the
mind tends not to be aware of it.
K: We are sensitive to it, alert to the question. So there is an
ending to reaction if one is watchful, attentive; if one understands
not only logically, but having an insight into this reacting process,
it can of course come to an end. That is why it is very important to
understand this, before we discuss what is an empty mind, and if
there is something beyond this, or whether in that very emptying of
the mind there is some other quality.
So is that empty mind a reaction? A reaction to the problems of
pain and pleasure and suffering? An attempt to escape from all this
into some state of nothingness? DB: Yes, the mind can always do
K: It can invent. Now we have come to the point of asking
whether this quality of emptiness is not a reaction. Right, Sir?
Before we go further, is it possible to have a mind that is really
completely empty of all the things that thought has put together?
DB: So that thought ceases to act.
K: That's it.
DB: On the one hand, perhaps you could say that reaction is due
to the nature of matter, which is continually reacting and moving.
But then is matter affected by this insight?
K: I don't quite follow. Ah, I understand! Does insight affect the
cells of the brain which contain the memory?
DB: Yes. The memory is continually reacting, moving, as does
the air and the water, and everything around us.
K: After all, if I don't react physically I am paralysed. But to be
reacting continuously is also a form of paralysis.
DB: Well, the wrong kind of reaction! Reaction around the
psychological structure. But assuming that the reaction around the
psychological structure has begun in mankind, why should it ever
stop? Because reaction makes another and another, and one would
expect it to go on for ever, and that nothing would stop it.
K: Only insight into the nature of reaction ends psychological
DB: Then you are saying that matter is affected by insight
which is beyond matter.
K: Yes, beyond matter. So is this emptiness within the brain
itself? Or is it something that thought has conceived as being
empty? One must be very clear.
DB: Yes. But whatever we discuss, no matter what the question
is, thought begins to want to do something about it, because
thought feels it can always make a contribution.
K: Quite.
DB: Thought in the past did not understand that it has no useful
contribution to make, but it has kept on in the habit of trying to say
that emptiness is very good. Therefore thought says, I will try to
bring about the emptiness.
K: Of course.
DB: Thought is trying to be helpful!
K: We have been through all that. We have seen the nature of
thought, and its movement, time, and all that. But I want to find out
whether this emptiness is within the mind itself, or beyond it.
DB: What do you mean by the mind?
K: The mind is the whole - emotions, thought, consciousness,
the brain - the whole of that is the mind.
DB: The word `mind' has been used in many ways. Now you
are using it in a certain way, that it represents thought, feeling,
desire and will - the whole material process.
K: Yes, the whole material process.
DB: Which people have called non-material!
K: Quite. But the mind is the whole material process.
DB: Which is going on in the brain and the nerves.
K: The whole structure. One can see that this materialistic
reaction can end. And the next question I am asking is whether that
emptiness is within or without. (Without, in the sense of being
DB: Where would it be?
K: I don't think it would be elsewhere, but I am just putting the
DB: Well, any such thing is a material process.
K: It is in the mind itself. Not outside it. Right?
DB: Yes.
K: Now what is the next step? Does that emptiness contain
nothing? Not a thing?
DB: Not a thing, by which we mean anything that has form,
structure, stability. K: Yes. All that, form, structure, reaction,
stability, capacity. Then what is it? Is it then total energy?
DB: Yes, movement of energy.
K: Movement of energy. It is not movement of reaction.
DB: It is not movement of things reacting to each other. The
world can be regarded as made up of a number of things which
react to each other and that is one kind of movement: but we are
saying it is a different kind of movement.
K: Entirely different.
DB: There is no thing in it.
K: No thing in it, and therefore it is not of time. Is that possible?
Or are we just indulging in imagination? In some kind of romantic,
hopeful, pleasurable sensation? I don't think that we are, because
we have been through all that, step by step, right up to this point.
So we are not deceiving ourselves. Now we say that emptiness has
no centre, as the `me', and all the reactions. In that emptiness there
is a movement of timeless energy.
DB: When you refer to timeless energy, we could repeat what
we have already said about time and thought being the same.
K: Yes, of course.
DB: Then you were saying that time can only come into a
material process?
K: That's right.
DB: Now if we have energy that is timeless but nevertheless
K: Yes, not static...
DB: Then what is the movement?
K: What is movement from here to here?
DB: That is one form.
K: One form. Or from yesterday to today, and from today to
DB: There are various kinds of movement. K: So what is
movement? Is there a movement which is not a movement? You
understand? Is there a movement which has no beginning and no
end? Unlike thought which has a beginning and an end.
DB: Except you could say that the movement of matter might
have a beginning and no ending; the reactive movement. You are
not speaking of that?
K: No, I am not talking of that. Thought has a beginning and
thought has an ending. There is a movement of matter as reaction,
and the ending of that reaction.
DB: In the brain.
K: Yes. But there are various kinds of movements. That is all
we know. And someone comes along and says there is a totally
different kind of movement. But to understand that, we must be
free of the movement of thought, and the movement of time, to
understand a movement that is not...
DB: Well there are two things about this movement. It has no
beginning and no end, but also it is not determined as a series of
successions from the past.
K: Of course. No causation.
DB: But you see, matter can be looked at as a series of causes; it
may not be adequate. But now you are saying that this movement
has no beginning and no ending; it is not the result of a series of
causes following one another.
K: So I want to understand verbally a movement that is not a
movement. I don't know if I am making it clear?
DB: Then why is it called a movement if it is not a movement?
K: Because it is not still, it is active.
DB: It is energy.
K: It has tremendous energy; therefore it can never be still. But
in that energy it has stillness.
DB: I think we have to say that the ordinary language does not
convey this properly, but the energy itself is still, and also moving.
K: But in that movement is a movement of stillness. Does it sound
DB: The movement can be said to emerge from stillness.
K: That's right. You see, that is what it is. We said that this
emptiness is in the mind. It has no cause and no effect. It is not a
movement of thought, of time. It is not a movement of material
reactions. None of that. Which means, is the mind capable of that
extraordinary stillness without any movement? When it is so
completely still, there is a movement out of it.
DB: I think I mentioned before that some people, like Aristotle,
had this notion in the past; we discussed it. He talked about the
unmoved mover, when trying to describe God, you see.
K: Ah, God, no. I don't want to do that!
DB: You don't want to describe God, but some sort of notion
similar to this has been held in the past by various people. Since
then it has gone out of fashion, I think.
K: Let's bring it into fashion, shall we?!
DB: I am not saying that Aristotle had the right idea. It is
merely that he was considering something somewhat similar,
though probably different in many respects.
K: Was it an intellectual concept or an actuality?
DB: This is very hard to tell because so little is known.
K: Therefore we don't have to bring in Aristotle.
DB: I merely wanted to point out that the concept of a
movement of stillness wasn't crazy, because other very respectable
people had had something similar.
K: I am glad! I am glad to be assured that I am not crazy! And
is that movement out of stillness the movement of creation? We are
not talking of what the poets, writers and painters call creation. To
me, that is not creation; just capacity, skill, memory and
knowledge operating. Here I think this creation is not expressed in
DB: It is important to differentiate. Usually we think creation is
expressed in form, or as structure. K: Yes, structure. We have gone
beyond being crazy, so we can go on! Would you say that this
movement, not being of time, is eternally new?
DB: Yes. It is eternally new in the sense that the creation is
eternally new. Right?
K: Creation is eternally new. You see that newness is what the
artists are trying to discover. Therefore they indulge in all kinds of
absurdities, but few come to that point where the mind is
absolutely silent, and out of that silence there is this movement
which is always new. The moment when that movement is
DB: ...the first expression is in thought?
K: That is just it.
DB: And that may be useful, but then it gets fixed, and becomes
a barrier.
K: I was told once by an Indian scholar that before people
began to sculpt the head of a god, or whatever, they had to go into
deep meditation. At the right moment they took up the hammer and
the chisel.
DB: Then it came out of the emptiness. There is another point,
you see. The Australian aborigines draw figures in the sand, so that
they don't have permanency.
K: That is right.
DB: Perhaps thought could be looked at that way. You see,
marble is too static, and remains for thousands of years. So
although the original sculptor may have understood, the people
who follow see it as a fixed form.
K: What relationship has all this to my daily life? In what way
does it act through my actions, through my ordinary physical
responses, to noise, to pain, various forms of disturbance? What
relationship has the physical to that silent movement?
DB: Well, in so far as the mind is silent, the thought is orderly.
K: We are getting on to something. Would you say that the
silent movement, with its unending newness, is total order of the
universe? DB: We could consider that the order of the universe
emerges from this silence and emptiness.
K: So what is the relationship of this mind to the universe?
DB: The particular mind?
K: No; mind.
DB: Mind in general?
K: Mind. We went through the general and the particular, and
beyond that there is the mind.
DB: Would you say that is universal?
K: I don't like to use the word universal.
DB: Universal in the sense of that which is beyond the
particular. But perhaps that word is difficult.
K: Can we find another word? Not global. A mind that is
beyond the particular?
DB: Well you could say it is the source, the essence. It has been
called the absolute.
K: I don't want to use the word `absolute', either.
DB: The absolute means literally that which is free of all
limitations, of all dependence.
K: All right, if you agree that `absolute' means freedom from all
dependence and limitation.
DB: From all relationships.
K: Then we will use that word.
DB: It has unfortunate connotations.
K: Of course. But let's use it for the moment just for
convenience in our dialogue. There is this absolute stillness, and in
or from that stillness there is a movement, and that movement is
everlastingly new. What is the relationship of that mind to the
DB: To the universe of matter?
K: To the whole universe: matter, trees, nature, man, the
heavens. DB: That is an interesting question.
K: The universe is in order; whether it is destructive or
constructive, it is still order.
DB: You see, the order has the character of being absolutely
necessary; in a sense it cannot be otherwise. The order that we
usually know is not absolutely necessary. It could be changed; it
could depend on something else.
K: The eruption of a volcano is order.
DB: It is order of the whole universe.
K: Quite. Now in the universe there is order, and this mind
which is still is completely in order.
DB: The deep mind, the absolute.
K: The absolute mind. So, is this mind the universe?
DB: In what sense is that the universe? We have to understand
what it means to say that, you see.
K: It means, is there a division, or a barrier, between this
absolute mind and the universe? Or are both the same?
DB: Both are the same.
K: That is what I want to get at.
DB: We have either duality of mind and matter, or they are both
the same.
K: That's it. Is that presumptuous?
DB: Not necessarily. I mean that these are just two possibilities.
K: I want to be quite sure that we are not treading upon
something which really needs a very subtle approach - which needs
great care. You know what I mean?
DB: Yes. Let's go back to the body. We have said that the mind
which is of the body - thought, feeling, desire, the general and the
particular mind - is part of the material process.
K: Absolutely.
DB: And not different from the body. K: That's right. All the
reactions are material processes.
DB: And therefore what we usually call the mind is not
different from what we call the body.
K: Quite.
DB: Now you are making this much greater in saying, consider
the whole universe. And we ask if what we call the mind in the
universe is different from what we call the universe itself?
K: That's right. You see why I feel that in our daily life there
must be order, but not the order of thought.
DB: Well, thought is a limited order, it is relative.
K: That's it. So there must be an order that is...
DB: of limitation.
K: Yes. In our daily life we have to have that - which means no
conflict, no contradiction whatsoever.
DB: Let's take the order of thought. When it is rational it is in
order. But in contradiction the order of thought has broken down, it
has reached its limit. Thought works until it reaches a
contradiction, and that's the limit.
K: So if in my daily life there is complete order, in which there
is no disturbance, what is the relationship of that order to the never
ending order? Can that silent movement of order, of that
extraordinary something, affect my daily life, when I have inward
psychological order? You understand my question?
DB: Yes. We have said, for example, that the volcano is a
manifestation of the whole order of the universe.
K: Absolutely. Or a tiger killing a deer.
DB: The question then is whether a human being in his ordinary
life can be similar.
K: That's it. If not, I don't see what is the point of the other - the
DB: Well, it has no point to the human being. You see, some
people would say, who cares about the universe. All we care about
is our own society, and what we are doing. But then that falls
down, because it is full of contradiction.
K: Obviously. It is only thought which says that.
So that universe, which is in total order, does affect my daily
DB: Yes. I think that scientists might ask how. You see, one
might say, I understand that the universe is constituted of matter,
and that the laws of matter affect our daily life. But it is not so
clear how it affects the mind; and if there is this absolute mind
which affects the daily life.
K: Ah! What is my daily life? Disorderly, and a series of
reactions. Right?
DB: Well, it is mostly that.
K: And thought is always struggling to bring order within that.
But when it does that, it is still disorder.
DB: Because thought is always limited by its own
K: Of course. Thought is always creating disorder, because it is
itself limited.
DB: As soon as it tries to go beyond the limit, that is disorderly.
K: Right. I have understood, I have gone into it, I have an
insight into it, so I have a certain kind of order in my life. But that
order is still limited. I recognize that, and I say that this existence is
DB: Now some people would accept that, and say `Why should
you have more?'
K: I am not having more.
DB: But others might say, `We would be happy if we could live
in a material life, with real order.'
K: I say, let's do it! It must be done! But in the very doing of it,
one has to realize it is limited.
DB: Yes, even the highest order that we can produce is limited.
K: And the mind realizes its limitation and says, let's go beyond
it. DB: Why? Some people would say, why not be happy within
those limits, continually extending them, trying to discover new
thoughts, new order? The artist will discover new forms of art, the
scientists a new kind of science.
K: But all that is always limited.
DB: There is often the feeling that we can go this far, and
accept that this is all that is possible.
K: You mean the feeling that we must accept the human
DB: Well, people would say that man could do much better than
he is doing.
K: Yes, but all this is still the human condition, a little
reformed, a little better.
DB: Some people would say enormously reformed.
K: But it is still limited!
DB: Yes. Let's try to make clear what is wrong with the
K: In that limitation there is no freedom, only a limited
DB: Yes. So eventually we come to the boundary of our
freedom. Something makes us react, through reaction we fall back
into contradiction.
K: Yes, but what happens when I see that I am always moving
within a certain area.?
DB: Then I am under the control of the forces.
K: The mind inevitably rebels against that.
DB: That is an important point. You see the mind wants
freedom. Right?
K: Obviously.
DB: It says that freedom is the highest value. So do we accept
that, and see it just as a fact?
K: That is, I realize that within this limitation I am a prisoner.
DB: Some people get used to it and say, `I accept it.' K: I won`t
accept it! My mind says there must be freedom from prison. I am a
prisoner, and the prison is very nice, very cultured and all the rest
of it. But it is still limited, although it says, there must be freedom
beyond all that.
DB: Which mind says this? Is it the particular mind of the
human being?
K: Ah! Who says there must be freedom? Oh, that is very
simple. The very pain, the very suffering demands that we go
DB: This particular mind, even though it accepts limitation,
finds it painful.
K: Of course.
DB: And therefore this particular mind feels somehow that it is
not right. But it can't avoid it. There seems to be a necessity of
K: Freedom is necessary, and any hindrance to freedom is
retrogression. Right?
DB: That necessity is not an external necessity due to reaction.
K: Freedom is not a reaction.
DB: The necessity of freedom is not a reaction. Some people
would say that having been in prison you reacted in this way.
K: So where are we? You see, this means there must be freedom
from reaction, freedom from the limitation of thought, freedom
from all the movement of time. We know that there must be
complete freedom from all that, before we can really understand
the empty mind, and the order of the universe, which is then the
order of the mind. We are asking a tremendous lot. Are we willing
to go that far?
DB: Well, you know that non-freedom has its attractions.
K: Of course, but I am not interested in these attractions.
DB: But you asked the question, are we willing to go that far?
So it seems to suggest that there may be something attractive in
this limitation.
K: Yes. I have found safety, security, pleasure in non-freedom. I
realize that in pleasure or pain there is no freedom. The mind says,
not as a reaction, that there must be freedom from all this. To come
to that point and to let go without conflict, demands its own
discipline, its own insight. That's why I said to those of us who
have done a certain amount of investigation into all this, can one
go as far as that? Or do the responses of the body - the
responsibilities of daily action, for one's wife, children, and all that
- prevent this sense of complete freedom? The monks, the saints,
and the sannyasis have said, `You must abandon the world.'
DB: We went into that.

K: Yes. That is another form of idiocy, although I'm sorry to put
it like that. We have been through all that, so I refuse to enter again
into it. Now I say are the universe and the mind that has emptied
itself of all this, one?
DB: Are they one?
K: They are not separate, they are one.
DB: So you are saying that the material universe is like the
body of the absolute mind.
K: Yes, all right.
DB: It may be a picturesque way of putting it!
K: We must be very careful also not to fall into the trap of
thinking that the universal mind is always there.
DB: How would you put it then?
K: Man has said that God is always there; Brahman, or the
highest principle, is always present, and all you have to do is to
cleanse yourself, and arrive at that. This is also a very dangerous
statement, because then you might say, there is the eternal in me.
DB: But I think that is projecting.
K: Of course!
DB: There is a logical difficulty in saying it is always there
because `always' implies time, and we are trying to discuss
something that has nothing to do with time. So we can't place it as
being here, there, now or again!
K: We have come to the point that there is this universal mind,
and the human mind can be of that when there is freedom.
KRISHNAMURTI: We have cultivated a mind that can solve
almost any technological problem. But apparently human problems
have never been solved. Human beings are drowned by their
problems: the problems of communication, knowledge, of
relationships, the problems of heaven and hell; the whole human
existence, has become a vast, complex problem. And apparently
through out history it has been like this. In spite of his knowledge,
in spite of his centuries of evolution, man has never been free of
DAVID BOHM: Yes, of insoluble problems.
K: I question if human problems are insoluble.
DB: I mean, as they are put now.
K: As they are now, of course, these problems have become
incredibly complex and insoluble. No politician, scientist, or
philosopher is going to solve them, even through wars and so on!
So why have human beings throughout the world not been able to
resolve the daily problems of life? What are the things that prevent
the complete solution of these problems? Is it that we have never
turned our minds to it? Is it because we spend all our days, and
probably half the night, in thinking about technological problems
so that we have no time for the other?
DB: That is partly so. Many people feel that the other should
take care of itself.
K: But why? I am asking in this dialogue whether it is possible
to have no human problems at all - only technological problems,
which can be solved. But human problems seem insoluble. Is it
because of our education, our deep-rooted traditions, that we
accept things as they are?
DB: Well, that is certainly part of it. These problems
accumulate as civilization gets older, and people keep on accepting
things which make problems. For example, there are now far more
nations in the world than there used to be, and each one creates
new problems.             

(Continued ...)

(My humble salutations to the lotus feet of Sri Jiddu Krishnamurti and
gratitude to the great philosophers and followers of him.)


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