The Ending of Time
J. Krishnamurti
Dr. David Bohm

N: And there is no need for an extra instrument?
K: No. Don't use the word instrument.
N: I am putting it because..
K: He keeps on repeating the word instrument. There is no other
factor. You see I am concerned - I am using the word not
personally - I am concerned to end this shrinkage and senility and
asking whether the brain itself, the cells, the whole thing, can move
out of time? Not immortality, I am not talking about all that kind of
stuff. Move out of time altogether, otherwise deterioration,
shrinkage, senility is inevitable. Senility may not show but the
brain cells are becoming weaker and so on.
N: If the brain cells are material and physical, somehow or other
they have to shrink through time, indeed it can't be helped. The
brain cell which is tissue cannot be in physical terms immortal.
B: Perhaps the rate of shrinkage would be greatly slowed down.
If a person say lives a certain number of years and his brain begins
to shrink long before he dies, then he becomes senile. Now if it
would slow down then..
K:.. not only slow down, sir.
B:.. well, regenerate, if you wish.
K: No, be in a state of non-occupation.
B: Well I think Narayan is saying that it is impossible for any
material system to last for ever.
K: I am not talking about lasting for ever. I am not sure if it
can't last for ever. No, this is very serious, I am not pulling
anybody's leg.
B: If all the cells were to regenerate perfectly in the body and in
the brain, then the whole thing could go on indefinitely.
K: Look sir: we are now destroying the body, drink, smoke, sex
- over indulgence in sex, all kinds of things. We are living most
unhealthily. Right? If the body were in excellent health, maintained
right through, which is no heightened emotions, no strain on the
body, no sense of deterioration in the body, the heart functioning
healthily, normally - you know - why not?
B: Well..
K: Which means what? No travelling! No travelling and all the
rest of it.
B: No excitement.
K: If the body remains in one quiet place I am sure it can last a
great any more years than it does now.
B: Yes, I think that is true. There have been cases of people
living say to one hundred and fifty in quiet places. But I think that
is all you are talking about. You are not talking about something
for ever really.
K: So the body can be kept healthy and since the body affects
the mind, nerves, senses and all that, that also can be kept healthy.
B: And if the brain is kept in the right action..
K: Yes, without any strain.
B: You see the brain has a tremendous affect on organizing the
body. The pituitary gland controls the entire system of the body
glands and also all the organs of the body are controlled in that
way and so on. When the mind deteriorates the body starts to
K: Of course, of course.
B: It works together.
K: They go together. So can this brain which is not my brain,
but the brain which has evolved through millions of years, which
has had all kinds of destructive experiences, pleasant and all the
rest of it, can that brain..
B: You mean it is a typical brain not a peculiar brain, peculiar to
some individual. When you say not mine, any brain belonging to
mankind. Right?
K: Any brain.
B: They are all basically similar.
K: Similar, that is what I said. Can that brain be free of all this,
of time? I think it can.
B: If we could discuss what it means to be free of time, you see
at first sight that might sound crazy because obviously we all know
that you don't mean that the clock stops or anything.
K: Science fiction and all that nonsense.
B: The point is what does it really mean to be psychologically
free of time?
K: That there is no tomorrow.
B: But I mean you know there is tomorrow.
K: But psychologically.
B: Can you describe that better, what do you mean when you
say, no tomorrow?
K: Sir, what does it mean to be living in time? Let's take the
other side first before we come to the other. What does it mean to
live in time? Hope, thinking, living in the past, and acting from the
knowledge of the past, the images, the illusions, the prejudices,
they are all an outcome of the past, all that is time. And that is
producing in the world chaos.
B: Yes, well suppose we say if you are not living
psychologically in time, then you may still order your actions by
the watch but the thing that is puzzling is that suppose somebody
says, 'I am not living in time but I must make an appointment' - you
K: Of course, you can't sit here for ever.
B: So you say I am looking at the watch but I am not
psychologically extending how it is going to feel in the next hour,
when I have fulfilment of desire, or whatever.
K: So I am just saying the way we are living now is in the field
of time. And there we have brought all kinds of problems,
suffering, all that. Right?
B: Yes, it should be made clear why this produces suffering
necessarily. Say, if you live in the field of time you are saying
suffering is inevitable.
K: Inevitable, inevitable.
B: Why?
K: It is simple. Which is, time has built the ego, the 'me', the
image of me, sustained by society, by the parents, by education,
that is built after millions of years, that is the result of time. And
from there I act.
B: Towards the future?
K: Towards the future.
B: Towards the future psychologically, that is towards some
future state of being. Right?
K: Yes. Which is, the centre is always becoming.
B: Trying to become better.
K: Better, nobler, or the other way round. So all that, this
constant endeavour to become something psychologically, is a
factor of time.
B: Are you saying that produces suffering?
K: Obviously. Why? Oh my Lord, why? Because it is simple , it
is divisive. It divides me and so you are different from me, and me,
when I depend on somebody and that somebody is lost, or gone, I
feel lonely, miserable, unhappy, grief, suffering. All that goes on.
So we are saying any factor of division which is the very nature of
the self, that must inevitably suffer.
B: Are you saying that through time the self is set up,
organized, and then the self introduces division and conflict and so
on. But if there were no psychological time then maybe this entire
structure would collapse and something entirely different would
K: That's it. That is what I am saying. And therefore the brain
itself has broken out.
B: Well, that is the next step to say that the brain has broken out
of that rut and maybe it could regenerate then. It doesn't follow
logically, but still it could.
K: I think it does follow logically.
B: Well, it follows logically that it would stop degenerating.
K: Yes.
B: And you are adding further that it would start to regenerate.
K: Yes. You look sceptical!
N: Yes, because the whole human predicament is bound to time.
K: Yes, we know that.
N: Society, individuals, the whole structure.
K: I know, I know.
N: It is so forceful that anything feeble doesn't work here.
K: What do you mean feeble?
N: The force of this is so great that if you have to break through,
whatever comes must have greater energy.
K: Yes.
N: And no individual seems to be able to generate this energy to
be able to break through.
K: Ah, you have got the wrong end of the stick, if I may point
out. When you use the word 'individual'..
N: A human being.
K:.. then you have moved away from the fact that our brain is
N: Yes, I admit that.
K: There is no individuality.
N: That brain is conditioned this way.
K: Yes, we have been through all that. It is conditioned this way
through time. Time is conditioning. Right? It is not that time has
created the conditioning, time itself is the factor of conditioning.
So can that time element not exist? - psychologically we are
talking about, not in the ordinary physical time. I say it can. And
we said the ending of suffering comes about when the self, which
is built up through time, is no longer there. For a man who is
actually going through agony, going through a terrible time, he
might reject this, he is bound to reject it, but when he comes out of
the shock of this, and somebody points out to him, and if he is
willing to listen, if he is willing to see the rationality of it, not build
a wall against it, but see for himself the sanity of it, he is out of that
field, the brain is out of that time-binding quality.
N: Temporarily.
K: Ah! There again, when you use the word 'temporary' it
means time.
N: No, he slips back into time.
K: No, you can't. You can't go back, if you see something
dangerous and go back to it, you can't. Like a cobra, like whatever
danger it is, you cannot.
N: But the difficulty is the analogy is a bit difficult because the
structure is that. You inadvertently slip into it.
K: When you see a dangerous animal, there is immediate action.
It may be the result of past knowledge, past experience, but there is
immediate action, self-protection. Psychologically we are unaware
of the dangers. And if we become as aware of the dangers as we
are aware of a physical danger there is an action which is not timebinding.
B: Yes, I think that you could say that as long as you could
perceive this danger you know you will respond immediately. But
you see if you were to use this analogy of the animal, there might
be an animal that you realize is dangerous, but then he might take
another form that you don't see as dangerous.
K: Yes.
B: Therefore there would be a danger of slipping back if you
didn't see. This time illusion might come in in some other form.
K: Of course.
B: But I think the major point is that you are saying that the
brain is not belonging to any individual.
K: Yes, sir, absolutely.
B: And therefore it is no use saying that the individual slips
back, you see.
K: No.
B: That already denies what you are saying. But rather the
danger might be that the brain might slip back.
K: Which is the brain itself might get back because it itself has
not seen the danger.
B: Hasn't seen the other form of the illusions.
K: The Holy Ghost taking different shapes.
B: But you see, yes, well I think that is the point.
K: Sir, that is the real root of it, time.
B: Well you see time and separation as individuality are
basically the same structure.
K: Of course.
B: Although it is not obvious in the beginning.
K: I wonder if you see that.
B: It might be worth discussing that. Why is time the same
illusion, the same structure as individuality? That is psychological
time. You see individuality is the sense of being a person who is
located here somewhere.
K: Located and divided.
B: Divided from the others. He extends out to some periphery,
his domain extends out to some periphery and also he has an
identity which goes over time. He wouldn't regard himself as an
individual unless he had an identity, if he said, today I am one
person, tomorrow I am another. So he has to be, it seems we mean
by individual somebody who is in time.
K: I think that is such a fallacy, this idea of individuality.
B: Yes, on the other hand many people may find that very hard
to be convinced that it is a fallacy.
K: Of course, many people find everything very hard.
B: There is a common feeling that as an individual I have
existed at least from my birth if not before, and go on to death and
perhaps later. The whole idea of being an individual is to be in
time. Right?
K: Obviously, sir, obviously.
B: Therefore to be in psychological time.
K: Of course, we are saying that.
B: Not just clock time.
K: So if that illusion could be broken, that time has created
individuality, which is erroneous.
B: Yes, through time the notion of individuality has arisen.
K: Of course. Can this brain understand that?
B: Well I think that as Narayan said, that say there is a great
momentum in any brain, which keeps rolling, moving along.
K: Can that momentum stop for a minute? Sorry, not a minute.
Can that stop? Not for a minute.
N: The difficulty comes actually in this: it is intrinsic to you, the
genetic coding and you seem to function more or less
unconsciously, you are driven by this kind of past momentum. And
suddenly you see, as it were, like a flash something true. But the
difficulty is it operates for some time in the sense that it may
operate for a day, but then there is the fact we are again caught in
the old momentum. It is a human experience.
K: I know that. But I say it will not be caught.
N: That is why I say this can't be a feeble thing.
K: Don't use the word feeble or strong. Once you see the mind,
or the brain is aware of this fact it cannot go back. How can it?
N: There must be another way of preventing it from going back.
K: Not preventing, that means also time. You are still thinking
in prevention.
N: Prevention in the sense, as a human factor.
K: The human being is irrational. Right? And as long as he is
functioning irrationally any other rational factor he says, 'I refuse
to see it'.
N: From what you are saying you are suggesting that the very
seeing prevents you also from going back, from slipping. This is a
human condition.
B: I wonder if we should ask this question about prevention.
You see it may be a question.
N: It has both the aspects. You see the fallacy of something and
the very seeing prevents you from slipping back. Because you see
the danger of it.
B: In another sense you say you have no temptation to slip back,
therefore you don't have to be prevented. If you really see it there is
no need to be prevented.
N: Then you are not tempted to go back.
K: I can't go back. If I see the fallacy of all the religious
nonsense, it is finished.
B: The only question which I raise is that you may not see it in
another form. You see..
N: It may come in different shapes.
B:.. and then you are tempted once again.
K: The mind is aware, it is not caught. But you are saying it
N: In other shapes and forms, sir.
There is another thing I want to ask: is there a faculty in the
human system which has this function as it were, and so it has
some effect, or some transforming effect on the brain?
K: We have said that.
N: No, we have not said that.
K: Wait sir. We have said that perception is out of time, seeing
immediately the whole nature of time. Which is to have, to use a
good old world, to have an insight into the nature of time. If you
have that insight into the nature of time, not you, if there is an
insight into the nature of time the very brain cells which are part of
time break down. The brain cells bring about a change in
themselves. That is what this person is saying. You may disagree,
you may say prove it. I say this is not a matter of proof, it is a
matter of action. Do it, find it, test it.
N: You were also saying the other day that when the
consciousness is empty of its content..
K: The content is time.
N: You said that leads to the transformation of the brain cells.
K: Yes.
N: When you say consciousness is empty of the content there..
K:.. there is no consciousness as we know it.
N: Yes. And again you are using the word insight. What is the
connection between the two? There is an obvious connection.
B: Between what?
N: Consciousness. When you have suggested that consciousness
is empty of its content..
K: Careful! Consciousness is put together by its content. The
content is the result of time. Now just..
B: The content also is time.
K: Of course.
B: It is about time as well.
K: Of course.
B: It is also actually put together by time.
K: Actually put together by time and also it is about time, as he
pointed out. If you have an insight into that the whole pattern is
gone, broken.
N: Yes, if..
K: The insight, which is not of time, which is not of memory,
which is not of knowledge, etc., etc.
N: Who has this insight?
K: Not me. There is an insight.
N: There is an insight and the word insight has a positive
connotation. You have an insight and then the consciousness is
empty of its content as a negative kind of..
K: No, sir, no.
N: You are implying that the very emptying of the content, the
emptiness of the content, is insight.
K: No, no. We are saying time is a factor which has put the
content, which has made up the content. It has made up and it also
thinks about. All that is a bundle, is the result of time. Now insight
into this whole movement, it is not my insight.
N: No, it is insight.
K: Insight, that brings about transformation in the brain.
Because it is not time-binding, that insight.
B: If you say this content, the psychological content, is a certain
structure physically in the brain, you may say that in order for this
psychological content to exist the brain over many years has made
many connections of the cells, which constitute this content.
K: Quite, quite.
B: And then there is a flash of insight which sees all this and
sees that it is not necessary and therefore all this begins to
dissipate. And when that has dissipated there is no content. Then
you say whatever the brain is doing is something different.
K: Which is, sir, go further, which is then there is total
emptiness. We won't go into it. Which we went into the other day.
B: Yes, well emptiness of that content. But when you say total
emptiness you don't mean you don't see the railway, but you mean
emptiness of all this inward content.
K: That's right. That emptiness has tremendous energy. It is
B: So could you say that the brain having had all these
connections tangled up has locked up a lot of energy?
K: That's right. Wastage of energy.
B: Then when they begin to dissipate that energy is there.
K: Yes.
B: Would you say that is as much physical energy as any other
K: Of course, of course.
Now you have heard all this, Narayan, we can go on more in
detail, but you have heard the principle, the root of it: is it an idea
or a fact?
N: An idea has no..
K: No, I am asking you, don't dodge it. Is it an idea or a fact? I
hear all this. I have heard it with the hearing of the ear so I make it
into an idea, but if I hear it, not only with the hearing of the ear but
hear it in my being, in the very structure of myself, I hear this
statement, what happens then? If that doesn't take place it becomes
merely an idea and we can spin along for the rest of one's life
playing with idea. But if that sense of - you know.
So Sir, we are more or less, you and I, and Narayan perhaps,
more or less a captured audience. If there was a scientist, biofeedback
or another brain specialist, would they accept this?
Would they even listen to all this?
B: Maybe a few would but obviously the majority would not.
K: No. So what? You see how do we affect - I am using the
word affect - how do we touch the human brain?
B: Yes. Well, the way it will sound to most scientists is that it
will sound rather abstract, you see. They will say it could be so, it
is a nice theory.
K: Good boy, it is nice.
B: We have no proof of it.
K: Of course, of course.
B: Therefore they would say, OK, it doesn't excite me very
much because I don't see any proof. I think that is the way the more
favourable ones would look at it. Let's say they would say, if you
have some more evidence we will come back later, and become
very interested. So you see you can't give any proof because you
know whatever is happening nobody can see it, with their eyes.
K: Of course. I understand. But I am asking: what shall we do?
Our mind, our brain, is not my brain. Right? It is the human brain
which has evolved through a million years. One freak, or one
biological freak, can move out of it - perhaps, or does - how do you
get at the human mind to make him see this?
B: Well I think you have to communicate the necessity of what
you are saying, that it is inevitable. You have to communicate the
necessity of what you are saying, that it is inevitable. Say if
somebody sees something, you know, you explain it to him and he
sees it happening before his eyes he says, 'That's so'. Right?
K: But sir, that requires somebody to listen.
B: Yes.
K: Somebody who says I want to capture it, I want to
understand this, I want to find out. You follow what I am saying?
Apparently that is one of the most difficult things in life.
B: Well it is the function of this occupied brain that it is
occupied with itself and it doesn't listen.
N: In fact one of the things is that this occupation seems to start
very early. When you are young it is very powerful and it
continues through all your life. How do you through education
make this..
K: Oh, that is a different matter. I would say I would work at it
differently, if you are asking how to set about it I will tell you. The
moment you see the importance of not being occupied, you
yourself see that as a tremendous truth, you will find ways and
methods to help them. That is creative, you can't just be told and
copy and imitate, then you are lost.
B: Well then the question is: how is it possible to communicate
to the brain, which rejects, which doesn't listen?
K: I understand, that is what I am asking.
B: Yes, well is there a way?
K: No. If I refuse to listen, well, go to the pope and tell him all
this he would say..
Sir, I think we had better stop, don't you?
You see, sir, I think meditation is a great factor in all this. I feel
we have been meditating. Ordinary people wouldn't accept this as
B: They have used the word so often..
K:.. it is really lost. Sir, that is one of the things. Something real,
made vulgar, common, is gone. Yoga was something
extraordinary, only for the, if I may use the word without being
misunderstood, the very few; now it has become common, a way
of earning a livelihood. It's gone. So meditation is this, sir, the
emptying of consciousness. You follow?
B: Yes, but let's be clear. Before you said it would happen
through insight, you see. Now are you saying meditation is
conducive to insight.
K: Meditation IS insight.
B: It is insight already. Then it is some sort of work you do, you
see insight is usually thought of as the flash.
K: Yes, insight is a flash.
B: But also meditation is a more constant..
K: Now we must be careful. What do we mean be meditation?
B: That's the question, yes.
K: We can reject the systems, the methods, the authorities, the
acknowledged Zen, Tibetan, Hindu, Buddhist, we can reject all
that, because it is obviously merely traditional repetition, timebiding
nonsense. For me it is not..
N: Do you think some of them could have been original, some
of them could have had original insight?
K: If they had they wouldn't belong to Christians, Hindu,
Buddhist, they wouldn't be anything.
N: In the past?
K: Who knows? Now meditation, sir, is this penetration. You
follow? I don't know if I am using the right word. It is this sense of
moving without any past.
B: The only point to clear up is that when you use the word
meditation, you mean something more than insight, you see. It
seems to mean something a bit more.
K: A bit more, much more! Because insight has freed the brain
from the past, from time. That is an enormous statement.
Meditation as we know it is becoming, and any sense of becoming
is still time, therefore there is no sense of becoming.
B: But that seems to mean that you have to insight if you are
going to meditate. Right?
K: Yes, sir, that's right.
B: You cannot meditate without insight.
K: Of course.
B: You can't regard it as a procedure by which you will come to
K: No. That immediately implies time. A procedure, a system, a
method to have insight sounds so nonsensical. Insight into greed,
into fear, into all that, frees the mind from all that. Then meditation
has quite a different quality. It has nothing to do with all the guru's
meditations. Right? So that is what?
Would we say, sir - it is the wrong word - to have insight there
must be silence?
B: Well, that is the same, we seem to be going in a circle.
K: For the moment.
B: My mind has silence, yes.
K: Silence. So the silence of insight has cleansed - cleansed,
purged, all that.
B: The structure of the occupation.
K: Yes. Then meditation, oh lord, what is it? There is no
movement as we know it - movement means time and all that. It is
not that kind of movement.
B: Some other kind?
K: I don't see how we can measure that by words. You see that
sense of limitless state.
B: But you were saying that nevertheless it is necessary to find
some language, even though it is unsayable.
K: We will find the language. We had better stop, it is too late.
Shall we continue next Sunday?
Krishnamurti: Let's forget the audience. We are not performing for
your amusement. I think we left off the other day, if I remember
rightly, when the mind is totally empty of all the things that
thought has put there, then begins real meditation - if I remember
rightly. But I would like to go further in that matter - I would like
to go back a bit and find out if the mind, if the brain, can ever be
free, not only from all illusion, any form of deception but whether
it can have its own order - the order not introduced by thought or
make an effort, an endeavour to put things in their proper place.
And also whether the brain, however much damaged it is, and most
brains are damaged by shock, by all kinds of stimulations, whether
that brain can heal itself completely. That is what I would like to
go into.
So first let's begin by asking, if I may ask: is there an order
which is not man-made, which is not the result of calculated order
out of disturbance, an order that is probably very satisfying and so
it is still part of the old conditioning, is there an order which is not
man-made, thought-made?
Bohm: Are you referring to the mind? I mean you can say the
order of nature exists on its own.
K: The order of nature is order.
B: Yes, it is not made by man.
K: But I am not talking of such. I don't think I want to - I am not
sure that it is that kind of order. Is there cosmic order?
B: Well, right that is still the same thing in a sense because the
word cosmos means order, but the whole order.
K: The whole order, I mean that.
B: Which includes the order of the universe and the order of the
K: Yes. What I am trying to find out is: is there an order which
man can never possibly conceive? You follow? Because any
concept is still within the pattern of thought. So is there order
which is not..
B: Well, how are we going to discuss it?
K: That is what I want to discuss. I think we can. What is order?
Narayan: I thought we were just discussing it..
K: We were discussing what?
N: At the table.
K: At lunch time.
N: At lunch. There is mathematical order. And generally
mathematical order is the order of science, or sort of behind any
particular order. That is the highest kind of order known to any
K: Would the mathematicians agree that mathematics is
complete order?
N: Yes, mathematics itself is order.
K: Would they agree to that?
B: Well I think it depends on the mathematician, but there is a
well known mathematician called von Neumann who defined
mathematics as the relationship of relationships, which really he
meant by relationship, order. To say that it is order working within
the field of order itself and not on something else.
K: Order working in the field of order, yes.
B: Rather than working on some object.
K: Yes, yes, that is what I am trying to get at.
B: So the most creative mathematicians are having a perception
of this, which may be called pure order, but of course it is limited
because it has to be expressed mathematically..
K: Of course, of course.
B: In terms of formulae or equations.
K: Is order part of disorder as we know it?
B: Well that is another question, what we mean by disorder. It is
not possible to give a coherent definition of disorder because this
order is inherent.
K: What?
B: You cannot give a coherent account because this order
violates order. Anything that actually happens has an order. Now
you can call a certain thing disorder if you like.
K: Are you saying that anything that happens is order?
B: Has some order.
K: Has some order.
B: You see if you say the body is not functioning rightly, say
cancer is growing, now that is a certain order in the cancer cell, it is
just growing in a certain way.
K: A different pattern.
B: A different pattern which tends to break down the body, but
the whole thing is a certain kind of order.
K: Yes, yes.
B: It has not violated the laws of nature.
K: Yes, yes.
B: But relative to some context you could say it is disorder
because if we are talking of the health of the body then the cancer
is called disorder.
K: Quite, quite.
B: But in itself..
K: Cancer has its own order.
B: But it is not compatible with the order of the growth of the
K: Quite. So what do we mean by order? Is there such a thing as
B: Well order is a perception - we can't get hold of order.
N: I think generally when we say order it is in relation to a
framework or in relation to a certain field. Order always has that
connotation. And when you say order of order, as the study of
mathematics, some aspects of mathematics, we are going away
from the limited approach to order.
B: We are not ordering things any more. You see most
mathematics start with the order of the numbers, like 1, 2, 3, 4, and
builds on that way, in a hierarchy. But then you can see what is
meant by the order of the numbers, there is a series of relationships
which are constant for example. You see in the order of the
numbers you have the simplest example of order.
N: And a new order was created with the discovery of zero, a
new set of order came into being. And is mathematical order and
the order in nature a part of a bigger field? Or it is a localised
K: You see the brain, the mind is so contradictory, so bruised, it
can't find order.
B: Yes, but what kind of order does it want?
K: It wants an order in which it will be safe. It won't be bruised,
it won't be shocked, it won't feel the pain of physical or
psychological pain.
B: The whole point of order is not to have contradiction.
K: That's right.
B: That is the whole purpose of mathematics.
K: But the brain is in contradiction.
B: Yes, and in some ways something has gone wrong, we said it
took a wrong turn.
K: It took a wrong turn, we think, yes.
B: You see you could say that if the body is growing wrongly
we have a cancer cell, which is two contradictory orders: one is the
growing of the cancer and the other is the order of the body.
K: Yes. But I am just asking because I want to go into
something, which is: can the mind, the brain, be totally free of all
organized order?
B: Yes. You have to ask why you want it to be free of organized
order and what you mean by organized order.
K: Then it becomes a pattern.
B: You mean by organized order a fixed order.
K: Yes, a fixed order, or fixed pattern.
B: Imposed.
K: Imposed or self-imposed. Because we are trying to
investigate, at least I am trying to find out whether the brain can
ever be free from all the impositions, pressures, wounds, bruises,
all the trivialities of existence, pushing it in different directions,
whether it can be completely free of all that. If it cannot,
meditation has no meaning.
B: Yes, but you could go further and say probably life has no
meaning if you cannot free it of all that.
K: No, I wouldn't say life has no meaning.
B: It goes on indefinitely.
K: Indefinitely like that, yes. If it goes on as it has done
indefinitely for millennia, life has no meaning. But to find out if it
has a meaning at all, and I think there is a meaning, the brain must
be totally free of all this.
B: Well that is what you call disorder. You see, what is the
source of what we call disorder? We could say it is like a cancer,
almost going on inside the brain. It is moving in a way which is not
compatible with the health of the brain.
K: Yes.
B: It grows as time goes on, it increases from one generation to
B: Now you say..
K: One generation produces the same pattern being repeated.
B: It tends to accumulate from one generation to another
through tradition. Now we say - it is almost the same question to
ask how are we going to stop these cancer cells from taking over.
K: That is what I want to get at. How is this pattern, which has
been set, and which has for generation after generation
accumulated, how is that to end, be broken through? That is the
real question that is at the back of my mind.
B: Could we ask another question: why does the brain provide
the soil for this stuff to go on, to grow?
K: It may be merely tradition, habit.
B: Well, why does it stay in that, you see?
K: It may be that it is so afraid of a new pattern, of something
new taking place because in the old tradition it takes refuge. It feels
B: Yes, well you see then we have to question why does the
brain deceive itself? It seems that this pattern of disorder involves
the fact that the brain deceives itself about this disorder. It doesn't
seem to be able to see it clearly.
N: When you say order, in my mind there is intelligence behind
order which makes use of it. I have a certain purpose, I create an
order and when the purpose is over I set aside that order. So order
has an intelligence which works it out. In usual parlance that is the
connotation. But you are referring to something else.
K: I am asking whether this pattern of generations can be
broken and why the brain has accepted that pattern in spite of all
the conflicts, misery and goes on in the same way, and is it
possible to break that pattern? That is all I am really asking.
N: Yes, I am saying the same thing in a different way. If an
order has served its purpose can it be put aside because it is no
K: Apparently it can't.
N:.. it is no longer useful or adequate.
K: Apparently it can't. Psychologically we are talking of, it
can't, it doesn't. Take an ordinary human being like any of us, it
goes on repeating fears, sorrow, misery, all that is part of its daily
meal. And Dr Bohm asked, why does it go on, why doesn't it break
through? And we said is it so heavily conditioned that it cannot see
its way out of it? Or it may be merely the constant repetition so the
brain has become dull.
N: The momentum of repetition is there?
K: Yes. That momentum of repetition makes the mind sluggish,
mechanical. And in that mechanical sluggishness it takes refuge
and says, 'It's all right, I can go on'. That's what most human beings
B: Well that is part of the disorder, to think that way is a
manifestation of disorder.
K: Of course.
N: Do you connect order with intelligence? Or is order
something that exists on its own? Any kind of intelligence.
B: Intelligence certainly involves order, intelligence requires the
perception of order in an orderly way, without contradiction. But I
think that in the terms that we were discussing before that we
ourselves don't create this, we don't impose this order but rather it
is natural.
K: Yes. Sir, let's come back. I am the ordinary man. I see that I
am caught with my whole way of living; my thinking and my
attitudes and so on, beliefs, is the result of enormous length of
time. Time is, as we went into it the other day, my whole existence.
In the past, which cannot be changed, I take refuge. Right?
B: Yes. Well I think that if we were to talk to the ordinary man,
the first thing he would feel is he doesn't really understand that
time is something that happens to him.
K: We went into that. I am saying an ordinary man either sees,
after talking over with you, I see that my whole existence is based
on time. Which is, time is the past and in that the brain takes
B: What does that mean exactly? How does it take refuge?
K: Because the past cannot be changed.
B: Yes we agreed that. But then people also think that the
future, you see it is common to think the future can change, the
Communists have said, give up the past, we are going to change.
K: But I can't give up the past. We only think we can give up
the past.
B: Yes, well that is the second point that even those who try to
give up the past, those who don't want to take refuge in the past,
still can't give it up.
K: That is just my point.
B: So it seems which ever way you do it you are stuck.
K: So the next step is: why does the brain accept this way of
living, and why doesn't it break it down? Right? Is it laziness? Is it
that in breaking it down it has no hope?
B: Yes, well that is still the same question.
K: Of course it is the same question.
B: Going from past to future.
K: So what is it to do? I think this is applicable to most people,
isn't it? So what is there to be done?
B: We haven't understood why it does this. It is not clear. Say
this behaviour is disorderly, irrational and so on, and people have
said, 'OK, let's give up the past but we find we can't' - why can't
K: Why can't we give up the past? Wait, sir. If I give up the past
I have no existence.
B: Well you have to clarify that because some people would
K: It is simple: if I give up all my remembrances, all my etc.,
etc., I have nothing, I am nothing.
B: I think some people would look at it a little differently, like
the Marxists. Marx himself said that it is necessary to transform the
conditions of human existence and that will remove this past, you
K: But it has not done this. It cannot be done.
B: Well that is because when he tries to transform it he still
works from the past.
K: Yes, that is what I am saying.
B: If you say, don't depend on the past at all, then as you say,
what are we going to do?
K: I am nothing. Is that the reason why we cannot possibly give
up the past? Because my existence, my way of thinking, my life,
everything is from the past. And if you say, wipe that out, what
have I left?
B: Yes, well I think you could say we obviously have to keep
certain things from the past like useful knowledge and technology.
K: Yes, we went through all that.
B: Now you could ask, suppose we keep that part of the past
and wipe out all the parts of the past which are contradictory.
K: Which are all psychological, contradictory and so on. What
is left? Just going to the office? There is nothing left. Is that the
reason why we cannot give it up?
B: Well there is still a contradiction in that because you see if
you say what is left, you are still asking for the past.
K: Of course, of course, of course.
B: I mean are you saying simply that when people say they are
giving up the past, they just simply are not doing it.
K: They are not doing it.
B: They are merely turning it into another question which
avoids the issue.
K: Because my whole being is the past, modified, changed, but
it has its roots in the past.
B: Now if you told somebody 'Ok, give all that up and in the
future you will have something quite different, better', then people
would be attracted.
K: But 'better' is still from the past.
B: If you say that but you see perhaps it could even be open and
creative. You see people want to be assured of at least something.
K: That is just it. There is nothing. You want to be assured, the
common man, a human being, wants something to which he can
cling to, can hold on to.
B: Reach for.
K: Reach.
B: They feel not that they are clinging to the past but they are
reaching for something.
K: If I reach something it still is the past.
B: The past yes, but that is not often obvious because people say
it is a big new revolutionary situation. But it has its roots in the
K: That is what I am asking. As long as I have my roots in the
past there cannot be order.
B: Because the past is pervaded with disorder?
K: Yes, disorder. And is my mind, my brain, willing to see that
there is absolutely nothing? If I give up the past - you follow, sir?
B: Yes, you say there is nothing to reach for.
K: Nothing, I mean there is no movement, therefore I cannot
possibly give up the past. So people dangle in front of me a carrot
and I, like a silly person, I follow it. So if I have no carrots, nothing
as a reward or punishment, how is this past to be dissolved?
Because otherwise I am still living in the field of time. And
therefore it is still man-made. So what shall I do? Am I willing to
face absolute emptiness? Right, sir?
B: Well, what will you tell somebody who is not willing?
K: I am not bothered. If somebody says, 'I am sorry I can't do all
this nonsense' - you say, 'Well, carry on'. But I am willing to let my
past go completely, which means there is no effort, no reward, no
punishment, no carrot, nothing. And the brain is willing to face this
extraordinary state, totally new to it, of being, of existing in a state
of nothingness. That is appallingly frightening.
B: Even these words will have their meaning rooted in the past.
K: Of course. We have understood that, the word is not the
B: But that is because of the fear, because from the roots in the
past this notion of nothingness is..
K: My brain says, 'I am willing to do that'. I am willing to face
this absolute nothingness, emptiness because it has seen for itself
all the refuges, the various places where it has taken refuge are
illusions, so it has finished with all that.
B: I think this leaves out something. You have also brought up
the question of the damage of the scars to the brain.
K: That's just it.
B: The brain if it wasn't damaged possibly could do that fairly
K: Look: can I discover what has caused damage to the brain?
One of the factors is strong emotions.
B: Strong sustained emotions.
K: Strong sustained emotions, like hatred.
B: Probably a flash of emotion doesn't do it but people keep it
K: Of course. Hatred, anger, a sense of violence must
obviously, they are not only a shock but they wound the brain.
B: Well, excessive excitation too. Getting excessively excited
by other means.
K: Of course, drugs and all that stuff. Excessive excitement,
excessive anger, violence, hatred, all that. The natural response
doesn't damage the brain. Right? Now my brain is damaged,
suppose, it has been damaged through anger.
B: You could even say probably that nerves get connected up in
the wrong way and the connections are too fixed. I think there is
evidence that these things will actually change the structure.
K: The structure, yes, yes. That is, can I have an insight into the
whole nature of disturbance, anger, violence, they are all part of the
same. Can I have an insight into that? And so that insight changes
the cells of the brain which have been wounded.
B: Well possibly it would start them healing, yes.
K: Yes. All right. Start them healing. That healing must be
B: In some way it may take time in the sense that if wrong
connections have been made it is going to take time to redistribute
the material. The beginning of it, it seems to me, is immediate.
K: Make it that way, all right. Can I do this? I have listened to
you, I have carefully read, I have thought about all this and I see
that anger, violence, hatred, all those excessive - or any form of
excitement - and so on, does bruise the brain. And the insight into
this whole business does bring about a mutation in the cells. It is
so. And the nerves and all their adjustments will be as rapid as
B: Something happens with cancer cells. Sometimes the cancer
suddenly stops growing and it goes the other way, for some reason
that is unknown but a change must have taken place in those cells.
K: Would it be, sir - if I may ask, I may be on the wrong track -
when the brain cells change, a fundamental change there, the
cancer process stops?
B: Yes, fundamentally it stops and it starts to dismantle.
K: Dismantle, yes that is it. So.
N: You are saying it sets into motion the right kind of
B: Yes.
N: And stops the wrong connections?
B: Or even starts to dismantle the wrong connections.
N: So a beginning is made and it is made now.
B: At one moment.
K: That is the insight.
N: But there is no question of time involved because the right
movement has started.
B: Yes.
K: What, what?
N: There is no time involved because the right movement has
started now.
K: Of course, of course.
N: But there is another thing which I want to ask about the past:
for most people the past means pleasure.
K: Not only past pleasures, the remembrance of all the things.
N: One starts disliking pleasure only when it becomes stale, or
it leads to difficulties but one wants pleasure all the time.
K: Of course, of course.
N: Now it is very difficult to distinguish between pleasure and
the staleness or the difficulties it brings in because on wants to
keep the pleasure afresh and not have the staleness or the problems
it brings. I mean the normal human being - I am asking what is
your attitude to pleasure?
K: What do you mean, my attitude?
N: How does one deal with this immense problem of pleasure in
which most people are caught because it is the past.
K: Pleasure is always the past but there is no pleasure at the
moment it is happening. It comes in later when it is remembered.
So the remembrance is the past. And I, as a human being, am
willing to face nothingness, which means wipe out all that.
N: How does one wipe out this tremendous instinct for
pleasure? It almost seems to be an instinct.
K: No, we went into that. Which is: what is the nature of
pleasure? What is pleasure? It is a constant remembrance of things
past which have happened.
B: And also the expectation that it will happen.
K: Of course, always from the past.
B: You have usually made this distinction of pleasure and
K: Yes, I did.
N: Of course you have made a distinction, but I am saying, still
the human being, even though he understands what you are saying,
he is sort of held back in this field.
K: No, Narayan, because he is not willing to face this
Pleasure is not compassion. Pleasure is not love. But perhaps if
there is this mutation compassion is stronger than pleasure. I don't
know if you see. So pleasure has no place in the compassion.
B: Even the perception of order may be stronger than pleasure.
If people are really concerned about something, the pleasure plays
no role at that moment.
N: Yes, that is what I am trying to imply because it has a certain
strength which can keep that in its place.
K: Compassion has got tremendous strength, an incalculable
strength, pleasure is nowhere in it.
N: But what happens to a man in whom pleasure is dominant?
K: We said that. As long as he is unwilling to face this
extraordinary emptiness he will keep on with the old pattern.
B: You see we have to say that this man had a damaged brain
too. There is a certain brain damage which causes this emphasis on
sustained pleasure as well as the fear and the anger and the hate.
K: But the damaged brain is healed when there is insight.
B: Yes. But I think many people would say, 'I understand that
hate and anger and so on are products of the damaged brain', but
they would find it hard to say that pleasure is the product of the
damaged brain.
K: Oh yes, of course it is.
B: Whereas if you say there is that true enjoyment which is not
the product of the damaged brain, which is confused with
N: That is the difficulty because if pleasure gives rise to anger,
anger is part of the damaged brain.
K: And also the demand for pleasure.
B: Which may give rise to anger and hatred and fear.
K: Of course. If I can't have the pleasure I want I begin to get
annoyed. I feel frustrated and all the rest of it follows. So do I, do
you, as a human being, have an insight into the past, how very
destructive it is to the brain, and the brain itself sees it and has an
insight into it and moves out of that?
N: You are saying the beginning of order comes from insight?
K: Obviously. Let's walk from there.
N: May I put it in a different way? Is it possible to gather a
certain amount of order in a pattern sense, not artificially, so that it
gives rise to a certain amount of insight?
K: Ah! You cannot through the false find truth.
N: I am saying it on purpose because for many people the
energy that is required for insight or the keenness is lacking.
K: You are tremendously keen to earn a livelihood, to earn
money, to do something if you are interested in something. If you
are interested vitally in this transformation, etc., you have the
May we go on, sir? I, as a human being, I have seen this insight
has wiped away really the past, and the brain is willing to live in
nothingness. We have come to this point several times from
different directions. From there I want to go on; may we? There
isn't a thing which thought has put there. There is no movement of
thought, except thought, knowledge and all that which has its own
place. But we are talking of the psychological state of mind where
there is no movement of thought, there is absolutely nothing.
B: You mean also no feeling, you see the movement of thought
and feeling is together.
K: Wait a minute. What do you mean by feeling there?
B: Well then usually people might say, well, OK, there is no
thought, but they may have various feelings.
K: Of course, I have feelings. The moment you put a pin in to
B: These are sensations. And also the inner feelings.
K: Inner feelings of what?
B: It is hard to describe them, you see, those that can be easily
described are obviously the wrong kind such as anger and fear.
K: Is compassion a feeling?
B: Probably not
K: No, it is not a feeling.
B: Though people may say they feel compassionate.
K: Of course, of course.
B: But even the very word suggests it is a form of feeling.
K: Of course, I feel compassionate.
B: Compassion has the word passion in it which is a feeling. It
can be taken in that meaning. And you see it is a difficult question.
You could say what we usually call feelings anyway, those
things that could be recognized as feelings, you know of a
describable character.
K: Sir, let's go into that a little bit. What do we mean by
feeling? Sensations?
B: Well, people don't usually mean that. You see sensation is
connected with the body.
K: Body, senses.
B: The inner organs of the body.
K: So you are saying feelings which are not of the body.
B: Yes, or which are said to belong - you see in the old days
they would have said they are of the soul, you see.
K: The soul, of course. That is an easy escape but it means
B: No.
K: What are the inner feelings? Pleasure?
B: Well in so far as you can label it that way it is clear that it is
not valid there.
K: So what is valid? The non-verbal state.
B: It may be a non-verbal state which includes something that
seems - would it have something analogous to a feeling which
wasn't fixed, you see? That you couldn't name.
N: You are saying it is not a feeling, it is similar to feeling but it
is not fixed?
B: Yes. I am just considering that could exist.
K: I don't follow.
B: If you say that there is no thought, I am trying to clarify it.
K: Yes, there is no thought.
B: Somebody could say, 'OK, I understand, I am not thinking, I
am not talking, I am not figuring out what to do'.
K: Oh, no.
B: We have to go further. What does it really mean?
K: All right. What it really means is: thought is movement,
thought is time. Right? There is no time and thought.
B: Yes, well perhaps no sense of the existence of an entity
K: Absolutely, of course. The existence of the entity is the
bundle of memories, the past.
B: But that existence is not only thought thinking about it but
also the feeling that it is there, inside, you get a sort of feeling.
K: The feeling, yes. There is no being. Otherwise, you follow,
there is nothing. If there is a feeling of the being continuing..
B: Yes, even though it doesn't seem verbalizable.
K: Of course. I wonder if you are caught in an illusion that there
is such a state.
B: Well it may be. It would be a state without will, without..
K: Of course. All those are gone.
B: Now, how do we know that this state is real, is genuine?
K: That is what I am asking. How do I know, or realize, or state,
that it is so? In other words you want proof of it.
B: Well at least..
N: Not proof, communication of that state.
B: Not proof.
K: Now wait a minute. How can you communicate with me,
suppose you have this peculiar compassion, how can you
communicate to me who is living in pleasure and all that? You
N: No, but I am prepared to listen to you.
K: Therefore, prepared to listen - how deeply?
N: To the extent my listening takes me to.
K: Which means what?
N: That is all I could say.
K: No, no. It is very simple. You will go as long as it is safe,
N: No, not necessarily.
K: The man says there is no being. And one's whole life has
been this becoming, being and so on. And in that state he says
there is no being at all. In other words, there is no me. Right sir?
Now you say, 'Show it to me'. It can be shown only through certain
qualities it has, certain actions. What are the actions of a mind that
is totally empty of being? What are the actions? Wait a minute.
Actions at what level? Actions in the physical world?
N: Partly.
K: Mostly that.
N: Not mostly, partly.
K: No, I am asking is that partial where - all right, this mam has
got this sense of emptiness and there is no being, so he is not acting
from self-centred interest. So his actions are in the world of daily
living. That's all, you can judge only there, whether he is a
hypocrite, whether he says one thing and contradicts it the next
moment, or whether he is actually living this compassion - not 'I
feel compassionate'.
B: Well if you are not doing the same you can't tell, you see.
K: That's just it. That's what I am saying.
N: I can't judge you there.
K: You can't. So how can you convey to me in words that
peculiar quality of a mind? You can describe, you know go round
it, but you can't give the essence of it. I mean David, for example,
he can discuss with Einstein, they are on the same level. And he
and I can discuss up to a certain point and if he has this sense of
not being, empty, I can go very close but I can never enter or come
upon that mind unless I have it.
N: Is there any way of communicating but not through words
for one who is open?
K: We said compassion. It is not as David put it just now, it is
not 'I feel compassionate'. That is altogether wrong. You see after
all in daily life such a mind acts without the 'me, without the ego,
and therefore it might make a mistake but it corrects it
immediately, it is not carrying that mistake.
N: It is not stuck.
K: Stuck. We must be very careful here not to find an excuse
for wrong.
So sirs, we come to that point, as we said the other day, what is
then meditation? Right? The becoming man, or the being man, who
meditates, has no meaning whatsoever. That is a tremendous
statement. When there is this not becoming, not being, then what is
mediation? It must be totally unconscious. Right sir? Totally
B: Without conscious intention, is what you mean.
K: Yes, without conscious intention. Yes, I think this is right.
Would you say, sir - it sounds silly but - the universe, cosmic
order, is in meditation?
B: Well if it is alive then you would have to look at it that way.
K: No, no, it is in a state of meditation.
B: Yes.
K: I think that is right. I stick to that.
B: We should try to go over what is meditation, what is it
N: If you say the universe is in meditation, is the expression of
it order? What order can we discern, which would indicate cosmic
meditation or universal meditation?
K: The sunrise and sunset is order, all the stars, the planets, the
whole thing is in perfect order.
B: We have to connect this with meditation.
K: He is bringing the word 'order'.
B: You see, according to the dictionary the meaning of
meditation is to reflect, to turn something over in your mind and to
pay close attention.
K: And also to measure.
B: That is a further meaning but it is to weigh, to ponder, it
means measure in the sense of weighing.
K: Weighing, that's it. Ponder, think over and so on.
B: To weigh the significance of something. Now is that what
you mean?
K: No.
B: Then why do you use the word, you see?
N: I am told that in English contemplation has a different
connotation from meditation. Contemplation implies a deeper state
of mind, whereas meditation is..
K: To contemplate.
N: That's what I was told.
B: It is hard to know. The word contemplate comes from the
word 'temple' really.
K: Yes, that's right.
B: To make an open space really is its basic meaning. To create
an open space so you can look at it.
K: Is that open space between god and me?
B: That is the way the word arose.
K: Quite.
N: From temple, space?
B: Which means an open space.
N: The Sanskrit word 'dhyana' doesn't have the same
connotation as meditation.
K: Dhyana, no.
N: Because meditation has the overtones of measurement and
probably in an oblique way that measurement is order.
K: No, I don't want to bring in order, leave the word order out,
we have been through that, we have beaten that to death.
B: I just asked why you used the word meditation.
K: Don't let's use the word meditation.
B: Let's find out what you really mean here.
K: Would you say, sir, a state of infinity, a measureless state?
B: Yes.
K: There is no division of any kind. You see we are giving lots
of descriptions, but it is not that.
B: Yes, but is there any sense of the mind being in some way
aware of itself, you see, is that what you are trying to say? At other
times you have said that the mind is emptying itself of content.
K: Yes. What are you trying to get at?
B: Well I am trying to get at that it is not merely infinite but it
seems that something more is involved.
K: Oh, much more.
B: But in this emptying of content, we said that this content is
the past which has become disorder. Then you could say that in
some sense it is constantly cleaning up the past. Would you agree
to that?
K: It is constantly cleaning up the past?
B: Yes.
K: No, no.
B: When you say the mind is emptying itself of content..
K: Has emptied itself.
B: Has emptied itself. All right, then you say when the past is
cleaned up, then you say that is meditation.
K: That is meditation, no, contemplation..
N: Just a beginning. He is at the beginning.
K: Beginning?
N: The emptying of the past.
K: That must be done. Emptying the past which is anger,
jealousy, beliefs, dogmas, attachments, all that is the content. If
any part of that exists it will inevitably lead to illusion. Right? So
we said that. The brain or the mind must be totally free of all
illusion - illusion brought by desire, by hope, by wanting security
and all that.
B: Are you saying when that is done this opens the door to
something broader, deeper?
K: Yes. Otherwise life has no meaning, just repeating this
pattern. I want to go into this. It is five o'clock.
N: What exactly did you mean when you said the universe is in
meditation? You are trying to convey something when you say that
the universe is in meditation.
K: I feel that way, yes. Meditation is a state of 'non-movement
B: All right, yes.
N: Is it..
B: Could we say first of all the universe is not actually governed
by its past. That is the first point.
K: Yes, sir, yes sir.
B: It is free and creative.
K: It is creative, moving.
B: And then this movement is an order.
K: Would you, as a scientist, accept such a thing?
B: Yes. Well, as a matter of fact I would!
K: Are we both crazy?
B: You see the universe creates certain forms which are
relatively constant, so that if people who look at it superficially
only see that, it seems to be then determined from the past.
K: Yes. Sir, put the question the other way: is it really possible
for time to end - time being the past, time, the whole idea of time,
to have no tomorrow at all? Of course there is tomorrow, you have
to go to a talk in the morning and I have to, and so on; there is
tomorrow but the feeling, the actual reality of having no tomorrow.
I think that is the healthiest way of living. Which doesn't mean that
I become irresponsible - that is all too childish.
B: It is merely a question of physical time, it is a certain part of
natural order.
K: Of course, that is understood.
B: Which we still have in mind but the question is whether we
have a sense of experiencing past and future or whether we are free
of that sense.
K: Sir, is the universe, as a scientists I am asking you, based on
B: I would say, no, but you see the general way it has been
K: That is all I want, you say no.
B: Yes.
K: And can the brain which has evolved in time..
B: Well, has it evolved in time, you see, that is a way of talking
but it has become entangled in time.
K: Entangled, all right.
B: Entangled in time in some way because if you say the
universe is not based on time, the brain is part of the universe.
K: I agree.
B: It can't be based merely on time.
K: No. The brain in the sense, thought.
B: Thought has entangled the brain in time.
K: In time. All right. Can that entanglement be unravelled,
freed, so that the universe is the mind? You follow? If the universe
is not of time, can the mind which has been entangled in time,
unravel itself and so be the universe? You follow what I am trying
to say?
B: Yes.
K: That is order.
B: That is order. Now would you say that is meditation?
K: That is it. Now I would call that meditation. Not in the
ordinary dictionary sense of pondering over and all that, that is a
state of meditation in which there is no element of the past.
B: You say the mind is disentangling itself from time and also
really disentangling the brain from time.
K: Yes, sir. Would you accept that?
B: Yes.
K: As a theory.
B: Yes, as a proposal.
K: No, I don't want it as a proposal.
B: What do you mean by theory?
K: Theory as somebody comes along and says this is real
B: All right.
K: Wait. Somebody says one can live this way and life has an
extraordinary meaning in it, full of etc., etc, compassion and so on,
and every act in a world, in the physical world, can be corrected
immediately and so on and so on. Would you, as a scientist, accept
such a state, or say this man is cuckoo?
B: No, I wouldn't say that, no. I feel it is perfectly possible, it is
quite compatible with anything that I know about nature.
K: Oh, then that's all right. So one is not an unbalanced cuckoo?
B: No. Part of the entanglement is that science itself has put
time into a fundamental position which helps to entangle it still
K: We had better stop, sir. Shall we continue some more?
B: When do you want to continue?
K: Next Sunday.
B: I am going to be in America next Sunday.
K: Oh, when do you go to America?
B: Thursday.
K: Well, we can't.
B: Except by television!
K: Yes, very simple.
B: In the autumn, in September?
K: Yes, September. Of course putting it into words is not the
thing. Right? That is understood. But can it be communicated to
B: Yes, well I think that the point about communication of this
is to bring it about.
K: Of course. Now can some of us get to this so that we can
communicate actually?
We had better stop.
Krishnamurti: May we continue with where we left off the other
other day?
What makes the mind always follow a certain pattern, always
seeking, if it lets go of one pattern it picks up another pattern, and
so on, it keeps on functioning all the time within that, why? One
can give explanations and can see why it does: for protection, for
safety, for slackness, indifference, a certain amount of callousness,
total disregard to one's own flowering and so on. But I think it is
very important to find out why our minds are always operating in a
certain direction. We came to the point when we said that one
comes, after one has been through all kinds of travail,
investigation, and insight, one comes to a blank wall, and that
blank wall can only wither away or be broken down when there is
love and intelligence. That is where we came to the other day. But
before we go into that I would like to ask: why do human beings,
however intelligent, however learned, however philosophical and
religious, they always fall into this groove.
Bohm: Yes, well I think the groove is inherent in the nature of
the accumulated knowledge.
K: Are you saying then that knowledge invariably must create a
B: Perhaps not 'must', but it has in the way it has developed in
mankind. Knowledge, psychological knowledge that is to say.
K: We are talking of that, obviously.
B: But psychological knowledge I would agree must create a
K: But why does the mind not be aware of it, see the danger of
it, see its mechanical repetition and therefore there is nothing new
in that, and it keeps on doing it.
B: You see I think when we were discussing this accumulation
of knowledge which really constitutes a groove because..
K: Yes, constitutes a groove, but why?
B: You see I think it is the same question, if you merely think of
the accumulation of knowledge making a groove then you don't see
why a person should stay in it, you see.
K: Yes, that is what I am asking.
B: It seems to me that the groove, or the knowledge
accumulated, has a significance far beyond, seems to have a
significance far beyond, what its real significance is, that carries a
necessity. If we say we have knowledge of some object, like the
microphone, that has some limited significance. Now knowledge
about your nation, the nation to which you belong seems, seems to
have immense significance.
K: Yes, yes. So is this significance the cause of this narrowing
down of the mind?
B: Well, it holds the mind, this knowledge has a tremendous
value beyond all other values. It makes the mind stick to that
because it seems the most important thing in the world.
K: In certain philosophies, certain concepts and so on in India,
there is this philosophy that knowledge must end - you know it, of
course, the Vedanta. But apparently very, very, very few people do
end knowledge and talk from freedom.
B: Well, I would come back to that point, you see knowledge
generally seems to be extremely important, worth holding on to.
You see though a person may verbally say it should end..
K: But..
B: Knowledge about the self.
K: Yes. You mean I am so stupid that I don't see this knowledge
has very little significance essentially, psychological knowledge,
and yet my mind clings to it?
B: Yes, I wouldn't quite put it that a person is that stupid but
rather to say that this knowledge stupefies the brain.
K: Yes, all right, call it that.
B: I mean that the brain being caught in this knowledge
becomes stupefied.
K: Stupefied, all right, but it doesn't seem to extricate itself.
B: Because it is already so stupefied that it can't see what it is
K: So what shall it do? I have been watching this for many
years, why human beings think or attempt to become free from
certain things, and yet this is the root of it. You understand? This
accumulation, psychological accumulation which becomes
psychological knowledge and so it divides and all kinds of things
happen around it and within it. And yet the mind refuses to let go.
B: Yes.
K: Is it that it doesn't see? Or it has given to knowledge such
immense importance?
B: Yes, that is what I mean, yes.
K: Why? Is that because there is safety in it? Or security in it?
B: Partly. That is part of it but it seems to be a source of
security but you see I think in some way knowledge has taken on
the significance of the absolute, you see, to say that knowledge
should be properly relative. But this knowledge of the mind,
psychological knowledge of the self or the associated knowledge.
K: I understand all that, sir, but you are not answering my
question. I am an ordinary man, I realize all this and I realize the
significance and the value of knowledge in different levels, but
deeper down inside one, this accumulated knowledge is very, very
B: That is true, but there is self-deception and the knowledge
deceives the mind so that the person is not normally aware that it is
K: Is that why human beings cling to it?
B: Well, they can't really. We don't know exactly how they got
started on it, once it gets started the mind is generally in a state in
which it is not able to look at this because it is avoiding the
question, there is a tremendous defensive mechanism to escape
looking at the whole question.
K: Why?
B: Because it seems something supremely precious might be at
K: One is strangely intelligent in other directions, capable and
efficient, skilled, having a great deal of skill, but here, where the
root of all this trouble is, why don't we comprehend it fully? What
prevents the mind? You say it has given importance to knowledge.
I acknowledge that, it is so, but yet it holds on. You must know
B: But I think once this has happened there is a mechanical
process that resists intelligence.
K: So what shall I do? What shall I do as an ordinary man, I
realize technological knowledge and all the rest of it, but
knowledge which I have accumulated, which is divisive, which is
destructive, which is rather petty, and yet I hold on to that and I
realize I must let it go but I can't? What shall I do? I think this is
the average person's problem - a problem which arises when we are
a little bit serious about all this. Is it the lack of energy?
B: Not primarily. You see the energy is being dissipated by the
K: Dissipated, I understand that. Having dissipated a great deal
of energy I haven't got the energy to grapple with this.
B: That could come back quickly if we could get out of this.
The energy is constantly being dissipated and a person may be a
little worn down but he could recover if this would stop. I don't
think it is the main point.
K: No, that is not the main point. So what shall I do, as a human
being, realizing that this knowledge is naturally, inevitably forming
a groove in which I live, my next question is: how am I to break it
B: Well, I am not sure that it is clear in general to people that
this knowledge is doing all this, and also that the knowledge is
knowledge. You see it may seem to be some being, the self, the
me, this knowledge is experienced as some entity, this knowledge
creates the me and the me is now experienced as an entity which is
not knowledge, but some real being. Right?
K: Are you saying this being is different from knowledge?
B: It appears to be, it feigns difference.
K: But is it?
B: It isn't but it has a very powerful ability.
K: But that has been my conditioning.
B: That is true. Now the question is, how do we get through that
to break down the groove?
K: That is the real point, you see.
B: Because it creates an imitation or a pretension of a state of
K: Look: there are several hundred million Catholics, thousands
and millions and millions of Chinese. You follow? This is their
central movement. It seems so utterly hopeless. And realizing the
hopelessness I sit back and say, I can't do anything. But if I apply
my mind to it then the question arises: is it possible to function
without psychological knowledge in this world? I am rather
concerned about it because I think wherever one goes, whether it is
California, India, or here or anywhere else, it is this central issue
that must be resolved.
B: That is right. But you see you may discuss this, or tell this to
somebody, and he may say it looks reasonable perhaps, but let's
say that his status is threatened. Now we have to say that is
psychological knowledge. It doesn't seem to him that it is
knowledge but something more.
K: I know all that.
B: Now he does not see that his knowledge of his status is
behind the trouble. Knowledge seems to be at first sight something
passive, something which you know, which you could use if you
wanted to and which you could fail to use if you don't want to, just
put it aside, you see, which is the way it should be.
K: I understand all that.
B: But when the moment comes, knowledge no longer appears
to be knowledge. You see how would you, if you were to talk to
some politician - I think once somebody wanted you to talk to Mao
Tze Tung - you would probably get nowhere.
K: No! The politicians and the people in power wouldn't even
listen to me. The religious people won't listen to you, the so-called
religious people. It is only the people who are discontented, who
are frustrated, who feel they have lost everything, perhaps those
will listen. But they won't listen so that it is a real burning thing.
How does one go about it? Say for instance, I have left Catholicism
and Protestantism and all that nonsense, and also I have a career, I
know it is necessary to have knowledge there, but I have come to a
point, as a human being, living in this world, I see how important it
is not to be caught in the process of knowledge, psychological
knowledge, and yet I can't let it go. It is always dodging me, I am
playing tricks with it. It is like hide and seek.
All right. From there we said that is the wall I have to break
down. We are approaching it differently. That is the wall I have to
break down - not 'I' - that is the wall that has to be broken down.
And we said that wall can be broken down through love and
intelligence. Aren't we asking something enormously difficult?
B: Well, it is difficult.
K: I am behind, this side of the wall, and you are asking me to
have that love and intelligence which will destroy the wall. But I
don't know what that love is, what that intelligence is, because I am
caught in this, on this side of the wall. And I realize what you are
saying is accurate, true, logical, and I see the importance of it, but
the wall is so strong and dominant and powerful that I can't get
beyond it. And we said the other day that the wall can be broken
down through insight - we went into that. That insight becomes an
B: Yes.
K: It is not an actuality and you say, 'Yes, I understand it, I see
it', but when you describe the insight, whether it is possible, how it
is brought about and so on, I immediately make an abstraction of it,
which means I move away from the fact and the abstraction
becomes all important. Which means knowledge.
B: Yes, well it is the activity of knowledge.
K: So I am back again.
B: Well I think the general difficulty is this: that knowledge is
not just sitting there as a form of information but it is extremely
active, meeting every moment and shaping every moment
according to the past knowledge, so even when we raise this issue
knowledge is all the time waiting and then acting.
K: All the time waiting, yes.
B: One point is that our whole tradition is that knowledge is not
active but passive, it is really active but people don't generally
think of it that way.
K: Of course.
B: They think it is just sitting there.
K: It is waiting.
B: It is waiting to act, you see. And anything you try to do about
it, knowledge is already acting. By the time you realize that this is
the problem it has already acted.
K: Yes. Do I realize it as a problem, or an idea which I must
carry out? You see the difference?
B: Yes, the first point is that knowledge automatically turns
everything into an idea which you must carry out. That is the
whole way it is built. Right?
K: That is the whole way I have lived.
B: Knowledge can't do anything else.
K: How am I to break that even for a second?
B: It seems to me that if you could see, observe, be aware, if
knowledge could be aware of itself at work, the point is that
knowledge seems to work unawares, you see, it is just simply
waiting there and then acts and by that time it has disrupted the
order of the brain.
K: I am very concerned about this because wherever I go this is
what is happening. And it has become a problem, not for me, but it
is something that has to be resolved. Would you say the capacity to
listen is far more important than any of this, any explanations, any
logic, to listen?
B: It comes to the same problem.
K: No, no. It doesn't. I want to see if there is a possibility that
when I listen, listen to what you are saying so completely the wall
has broken down. You understand? I am trying to find out sir. I am
an ordinary man and you are telling me all this, and I realize what
you are saying is so. And I am concerned about it, I am really
deeply involved in what you are saying. And somehow the flame
isn't lit, all the fuel is there but the fire isn't there. So what, as an
ordinary man, what shall I do? This is my everlasting cry.
B: If it is the capacity to listen then we have the question of say
the ordinary man is full of opinions, you see, so he can't listen.
K: You can't listen with opinions, you might be just as well
B: You see I think knowledge has all sorts of defences. If you
are thinking of trying to spread, make it possible for people, say the
ordinary man, to have this perception, that is really what you are
asking, isn't it?
K: Yes.
B: At least those who are interested. Now I think knowledge has
a tremendous number of defences, it is against perceiving this. It
has evolved in such a way that it resists, is built so as to resist
seeing this, so it has opinions which also act immediately.
K: I understand that, sir. But I want to find, not a drug, not a
medicine, not a way, but there must be a communication between
you and me who is the ordinary man, a communication so that the
communication is so strong that very act of listening to you and
you communicating with me operates.
B: Right.
K: You follow?
B: Yes, then you have to break through this opinion, through the
whole structure.
K: Of course, of course. That is why I have come here. As an
ordinary man I have come for that. I have left all the churches and
all that stuff, I have thrown them miles away, years away, I have
finished with all that. I have just come here and I realize all that
has been said here is true and I am burning to find out. When you
communicate with me your communication is so strong, so real.
You follow? You are not speaking from knowledge, you are not
speaking from opinion and all the rest of it. You are really a free
human being who is trying to communicate with me.
B: Right.
K: And can I listen with that intensity which, you the
communicator, is giving me?
B: Well, we would have to ask, is the ordinary man full of that?
K: No, he is not. He wants the pub. No, I said I am an ordinary
man but I have moved away from all that, I have come here. I have
left all that. I also realize in opinions I can grow, multiply, gather
opinions, which is partly prejudice and all the rest of it, I realize all
that. And I want to listen to somebody who is telling the truth and
in the very telling of it something is taking place in me. I don't
know if you understand. And because I am so ardently listening it
happens. I wonder if I am conveying anything. After all you, a
great scientist, I am one of your students, you want to tell me
something. You are telling me about something which I know must
be enormously important because you have given your life to it,
and as a student I have given up so much just to come here. Is it the
fault of you who are communicating with me that I don't receive it
instantly? You understand? Or is it my fault that I am incapable of
really listening to you?
B: Well, whichever it is, but suppose the difficulty is that I am
incapable of listening,then what can be done?
K: No, nothing can be done. You see that is the difficulty. If I
am incapable of listening because I am full of prejudices, opinions,
and judgements, defences and all the rest of it has built up, and
then, of course, I won't listen to you.
B: Well let's say there is somebody who comes along who has
got through some of these defences and so on, but perhaps there
are others that he is not aware of, you see. There is something not
quite so simple as that.           
K: I think it is simple. I feel it is dreadfully simple somehow. I
think it is that if I could listen with all my being, with all my
attention, it takes place. It is as simple as that, I think.
You see, sir, you are telling me something and I am absorbing
it, so there is an interval between my telling and your absorbing. I
don't know if I am conveying it?
B: Yes.
K: And in that interval is the danger. If I didn't absorb it
absolutely, listen to it with all my being, it is finished. Is it because
in this there is no shadow of pleasure? You follow what I am
saying? You are not offering me any pleasure, any gratification.
You are saying, it is so, take it. But my mind is so involved in
pleasure it must be pleasurable to listen. You follow what I mean?
B: Yes.
K: I won't listen to anything that is not completely satisfactory. I
realize too the danger of that.
B: Danger?
K: Of seeking satisfaction and pleasure and all that. I say, 'All
right, I won't, I see what I am doing' - so I put that aside too. No
pleasure, no reward, no punishment, in listening but there is only
pure observation.
So we come back to that point: is pure observation, which is
actually listening, is that pure observation love? I think it is. Again
you have stated it and then my mind says - I am fairly ordinary, I
have come here - my mind immediately says, 'Give it to me. Tell
me what to do'. You see when I ask you, 'Tell me what to do', I am
back in the knowledge, in the field of knowledge. It is so
instantaneous. So I refuse to ask you what to do. Then where am I?
You have told me perception without any motive, direction, pure
perception is love. And in that perception/love is intelligence. They
are not three separate things, they are all one thing. I have a feeling
for it. Because you have lead me very carefully - not lead me - you
have pointed out very carefully step by step, and I have come to
that point, I have a feeling for it. I am sensitive enough by listening
to all this, to come to that point when I have a feeling and say, 'By
Jove, that is so'. But it goes away so quickly. Then begins, 'How
am I get it back?' Again the remembrance of it, which is
knowledge, blocks.
B: Well what you are saying is that every time there is a
communication, knowledge gets to work in many different forms.
K: So you see it is enormously difficult to be free of knowledge.
B: It seems we could ask why doesn't knowledge wait until it is
K: Ah, that requires, sir - that means to be psychologically free
of knowledge but when the occasion arises you are acting from
freedom, not from knowledge..
B: But knowledge comes in as information.
K: Yes.
B: It informs your action but it is not the source.
K: That is, to put it rather succinctly, freedom from knowledge,
and being free it is from freedom one communicates, not from
knowledge. I wonder if I am making this clear?
B: Yes.
K: That is, from emptiness there is communication. One may
use the word, or language, which is the outcome of knowledge, but
it is from that state of complete freedom.
B: Yes. Knowledge, communication, takes place but it is
concerning the question of knowledge as the irrelevance of
knowledge, of psychological knowledge, that is the
K: Yes. Now, sir, can I communicate with you from freedom?
Suppose I, as a human being, have come to that point where there
is complete freedom from knowledge and from that freedom a
communication, using words, takes place. Right? Now will you, as
a scientist, of great scientific eminence and all the rest of it, will
you - please, I am being polite - will you communicate with me,
can I communicate with you without any barrier? You follow what
I am saying?
B: Yes.
K: You understand what I am saying, I am not trying to.. Can I
communicate with another - or rather let me put it the other way.
Can that man who is free, totally free from knowledge, but uses
knowledge merely as a means of communication, can I be in such a
state of mind to receive that communication?
B: Yes, well if knowledge is seen to be information, you see
knowledge ordinarily seems more than information, it seems that
knowledge itself does not ordinarily see that knowledge is not free.
K: It is never free.
B: No, but it may seem it at first sight, you are free to use your
knowledge, you see.
K: Of course.
B: But it isn't free and any activity of knowledge is part of the
K: Of course. If I am going to understand myself I must be free
to look at myself.
B: And knowledge has pressures in it to prevent you.
K: Knowledge prevents me from looking then. That is so
obvious. Sorry!
B: Well I mean it may be obvious at this stage, but I am saying
that generally people don't see that. Let's leave that aside.
K: If I am full of opinions and judgements and evaluations and
to look at myself I must be somewhat free from it to look. It is so
B: Yes, but I mean probably one tends to say that there are
certain kinds of knowledge which are harmful like prejudice and
then you say there are other kinds which are not harmful.
K: The whole business.
B: The whole thing is one structure, yes. It is impossible to have
prejudice in one part without having it in the other.
K: How will you communicate with me who have come to a
certain point when I am really grasping - not grasp - burning to
receive what you are saying, so completely it is finished? Am I,
having come here, am I in that state really? Or am I fooling
B: Well that is the question: knowledge is constantly deceiving
K: Of course.
B: Well I think I would say that knowledge, it is not even that I
am deceiving myself but knowledge has a built-in tendency to
deceive itself.
K: So, sir, is my mind always deceiving itself?
B: The tendency is it's constantly there when knowledge is
operating psychologically.
K: So what shall I do? Come back to that.
B: Well, there is the question of deceiving oneself. Again I
think it is the same point: to listen.
K: Why don't we listen, sir? Why don't we immediately
understand this thing, instantly, immediately, why? One can give
the reasons why but that doesn't - old age, conditioning, laziness,
ten different things.
B: Well that is superficial.
K: Meaningless.
B: But would it be possible to give the deep reason for it?
K: We come back to the same thing. You see I think, sir, is it
that the knowledge which is the 'me'..
B: Yes, that is the point, yes.
K:.. the knowledge which is the 'me' is so tremendously strong
as an idea, not as a fact?
B: Yes, I understand it is an idea. That is what I tried to say, that
the idea has tremendous significance and meaning. For example,
suppose you have the idea of god, this takes on a tremendous
K: Or like I am British, or French, it gives me great energy.
B: And so it creates a state of the body which seems to be the
very being of the self. Now the person doesn't experience it as
mere knowledge but at first feels something very powerful which
doesn't seem to be knowledge.
K: Yes. Are we going round and round and round? It seems like
B: Well I was wondering if there is anything that could be
communicated about that overwhelming power that seems to come
with knowledge.
K: And with identification.
B: With identification. That seems to be something that would
be worth looking into.
K: What does the word - I have forgotten - the root meaning of
B: Well, always the same.
K: Always the same, that's right. That's it, you see! It is always
the same. There is nothing new under the sun.
B: That is the essence of it. You say the self is always the same.
It tries to be always the same in essence if not in details.
K: Yes, yes.
B: I think this is the thing that goes wrong with knowledge that
knowledge attempts to be knowledge of what is always the same,
you see, so it holds, you see.
K: Of course, it is always the same.
B: And knowledge itself tries to find what is permanent and
perfect and always the same. I mean even independent of any of us
you see. It is built into, like the cells, you see.
K: From this arises a question: is it possible to attend? I am
trying to use the word diligent. Is it possible to diligently attend?
Diligence in the sense of being accurate.
B: Literally it means to take pains.
K: To take pains, of course. To take pain, take the whole if it.
Sir, there must be some other way round all this intellectual
business. We have exercised a great deal of intellectual capacity
and that intellectual capacity has led to the blank wall. I approach it
from every direction and eventually the wall is there, which is the
'me', with my knowledge, my prejudice, and all the rest of it - me.
And the 'me' then says, 'I must do something about it' - which is
still the me. We all know that.
B: Well the 'me' wants to be always the same at the same time it
tries to be different.
K: Put on a different coat. It is always the same. So the mind
which is functioning with the 'me' is always the same mind. Good
Lord, you see, sir, back again!
B: You see, 'always the same' gives a tremendous force. Now is
it possible to leave go of that 'always the same', you know?
K: You see, we have tried everything - fasting, every kind of
thing to get rid of the 'me with all its knowledge, with all its
illusions and so on. One tries to identify with something else,
which is the same. A serious man has done all this and comes back
to the fundamental question: what will make this wall totally
disappear? I think, sir, that it is only possible when I can give my
total attention to what you are saying. There is no other means to
break down the wall - not the intellect, not the emotions, not any of
these things. When somebody who is beyond the wall, has gone
beyond, broken down the wall, says, 'Listen, for god's sake listen'.
Can I listen to you - when I listen to you my mind is empty. So
it is finished. You follow what I am saying?
B: You see I think generally that one would feel OK, it is
finished, but something will happen in its own time.
K: I have no sense of hoping to come back, to have it in the
future, or - it is empty and therefore listening. It is finished.
We had better stop, we have come to a point. Five minutes is
I would like to go on differently. You are a scientist, to discover
something new, you must have a certain emptiness from which
there will be a different perception.
B: Yes, but I think there is a difference in the sense that usually
the question is limited and so the mind may be empty with regard
to that question.
K: That particular question, yes.
B: Allowing for discovery and insight in that question.
K: But can that mind, which has been specializing, therefore
enquiring into something it becomes empty and rom that emptiness
you discover something new. I understand that. But without any
specialization, does this emptiness hold every other - I don't know.
B: Well, I think one has to ask - we are not questioning this
particular area but rather we are questioning the whole of
K: Knowledge, yes.
B: And..
K: It is most extraordinary when you go into it.
B: As you were saying, the end of knowledge is the Vedanta.
K: That is the real answer.
B: But if a person can take this scientific attitude and question
the whole of knowledge..
K: Oh, of course, of course.
B: But generally people would feel they must keep knowledge
in one area to be able to question it in another. You see this is
something that might worry people to say, with what knowledge do
I question that knowledge?
K: Yes. With what knowledge I question my knowledge? Quite.
B: In a way we do have knowledge because we have seen that
this whole structure, we have gone through it logically and
rationally and seen that the whole structure makes no sense, that it
is inconsistent and has no meaning. The structure of psychological
knowledge has no meaning, it has been done already.
K: Would you then from there, from that emptiness: is there a
ground or a source from which all things begin? Matter, human
beings, their capacities, the whole movement starts from there.
B: We could consider that certainly. But let's try to clarify it a
little. We have the emptiness.
K: Yes, emptiness in which there is no movement of thought as
knowledge, of course.
B: As psychological knowledge.
K: Of course, I understand that.
B: So, well then..
K: And therefore no time.
B: No psychological time.
K: Yes, no psychological time.
B: Though we still have the watch.
K: Yes. We have gone beyond that, don't let's go back to it.
B: The words are often confusing, they carry wrong meanings.
K: Psychological time. There is no psychological time, no
movement of thought. And is that emptiness the beginning of all
B: Well, would you say the emptiness is the ground then?
K: That is what I am asking. Let's go slowly into this. Shall we
postpone this for another day?
B: Well perhaps it should be gone into more carefully.
K: We had better stop.
B: Well just one thing: in California we were saying there is the
emptiness and beyond that is the ground.
K: I know, I know.
B: We leave it for the time.
K: When do we meet again?
B: It is two days from now, on Saturday.
K: The day after tomorrow.
B: Yes.
K: Right, sir.

(Continued ...)

(My humble salutations to the lotus feet of Sri Jiddu Krishnamurti and
gratitude to the great philosophers and followers of him.)


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