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Verses of
Yogi  Vemana

Translated from the Telugu by

C.P. Brown



Translated from the Telugu Verses

If you one day put your anus in your hand and wash it, what have you gained? How much so ever you wash the scales off your teeth, will its stink ever depart?
p. 241
Of gifts, the gift of food is the noblest. In music, the melody of the Sama Veda is the sweetest, In meditation that of Siva is the noblest.
Burn him, Burn him, cries Pluto. This is more talking like a magpie. He cannot see what the truth is (that he is himself but a component part of creation). They who participate in the deity cannot themselves see god.
Let us adore and glorify the (Pranalinga) prime spirit. But for what offence do ye bind it about your neck. Joy (i.e., the deity) is a witness to us of this folly.
Wearing ashes of things that are bhavi (i.e., not lingamite) he calls this a form of Siva devoid of shame. But surely all animals are gifted with the linga. (Ye are as proud as a dog with two).
Stupid fools are they who hide their wealth in the earth, and again dress their food in the earthen vessel of the body. Why should ye be so foolish for this muddy life?
p. 242
To the whole of the Siva sect, Hari is Teacher (by a refined explanation) and Hara (Siva) is Teacher, to the Hari creed. What sort of teacher is the wretch void of qualities of excellence.
He that is unborn (Aja, Brahma) shines betwixt Vishnu and Siva, and in the midst of these does the yoni shine; It possesses a peculiar kala which however is unperceptible.
When one life is past the fool shall again be born; again shall he love and again feel affection; again shall he roam the countries and villages like to a homeless monkey.
How long does the soul, unprotected continue to die and be born again naturally (sahaja is born with us). To live without forgetting him is perfection,
p. 248
When all those who talk of the high deity as in unity, are freed from the body, then shall they be secure from sorrow and sin and enjoy happiness.
To know the nature of the fluctuating and that of the changeless, is in the power of astrologers; who can inspect the body? Like as the swan is said to discriminate between water and milk.
In the five faces of Siva the five letters (na-ma-si-va-ya) produced; by them is the world supported. Then how is it that they fail to praise the Five Faced.
The Goddess of Earth as they call her is clay, seeing that all men know how that Goddess was produced, she became very weighty, They even call that Goddess equal to Siva as sustaining all.
Lime is the best of all matters. Lime displays the present world in the earth, and it also shows us heaven.
p. 244
If thy good acts be great they shall not pass away; alas surely fate in a fitting place changed Dharmaraj into Kanku Bhattu.
He puts his gift into the hand and pours the water of donation; thus doth he make fitting benefactions; but knows not that he and that of his neighbours are one. (Each is a form of Eswara.)
They muse on the mantras but know not their meaning; ignorant of that signification they become blind. To become reborn and great let him learn it from the Teacher.
Maya, that is, Vishnu--is there any other to whom the name applies? 'Cupid' is the dear son (son of kisses) of Maya; in Maya do his powers originate.
p. 245
Vishnu, he who hath a burnt body, he, Siva with the burnt throat, Brahma who smeareth over his body--these are allies. When the three thus meet it is a joy to the world.
Let us not trust him who walks in another path; consider even his vest as a species of evil. It is the form of Ravanasura well known.
Gadheyudu (Viswamitra, son of Gadhi) formed a world in imitation of that formed by Brahma and unable to know the truth gained (he gained only his pain). Doth the angry man know himself?
Do not Siva (Shambhudu) slay and restore his son Viswamitra to life. Did not Vishnu revive his son Manmatha? The Vedas give numberless meanings of these stories.
p. 246
A thousand and thousands of the leaders of fishes who caused the Vedas (nigama) to float on the sea, to churn nectar beneath that hill did he place three thousand firm tortoises, a thousand tens of Krishnas to see the shepherdesses in the shepherds' hamlet, four thousands of Narasimha incarnations to tear the breast of the Rakshasas, to slay Ravanasura, ten thousand Ramas, Parasuramas, ten thousand--if thou ask where is Siva, He who in the form of Vishnu underwent the incarnations. He dwelleth in Kasi.
If the teachers be ruined is not the whole caste destroyed? If Brahmins be destroyed he shall turn to ashes. If thou destroy Hara and Hari far is beatitude from thee.
Our limbs to the God of fire, the bones, when burnt to the Goddess of earth, the excess of wealth to the kings, the entire soul to lovers, stubbornness to fools--the Sankara Vismriti to pariars and to the great avenger (Pluto) wrath belong.
p. 247
In whatever direction each man's desire is, in proportion to his desire, shall Vema cause them to attain the blessings of this and the next world. By the favour of Siva shalt thou render them acceptable, O Vema.
They think on the mantras, but know not their meaning. How are those twice born who are ignorant of the meaning. He who comprehends the signification this is the only Bramha Rishi.
The wild melon leaf is still more poisonous than the margosa. The heretical prathama shakhi (sectory) is more venomous than a serpent and a black complexioned Brahmin is worse poison than musk.
By not quitting the assertions (violence) of the eight creeds, the holy have all become ruined. If you hold dung in your hand why cleanse it externally.
p. 248
Soul and the divinity exist in full force in the (diverse) forms that are in this world. But the Jangams, ignorant of this, cannot find the path.
What means "Bramin", what means "devotee", what means "enjoyer", what means donor--however diverse their names, Plato's realm is their portion.
Those of the Bouddha sect consider the intellect to be the divinity. They reckon, with degraded minds which is highest and which lowest. They have left of discriminating both good and bad, the vile calves.
The unholy wretch who joins the skull-sect is ignorant of the beginning and the end of life; and in folly reviles Siva, alas he is ruined, (This sect is atheistical and epicurean. They deny both creation and destruction.)
Likewise, by the Shacta creed, men consider power to be the divinity and, void of all sense (fitness) they fully perform the rites of pariar generations.
p. 249
What sort of caste is that of Rishies? Enquire and know; they became lovers of God. They became the divinity. Finally however great they be they are devoured by the funeral flame.
Born in the rishi tribe, thereafter they are exalted in the gotra (tribe). They are not descended from Brahma, how then should they be Brahmins?
Those sinful ones who undertake to walk in luxury eating and resting, and hard conduct--these shall not escape being bound in hell and cast into the mills of Yama.
The life we enjoy shall not pass in all one manner; wealth and poverty await us all in this iron age; even Hari, Hara and Aja look upon evil and good as one.
p. 249
Holding Siva the Lord, the body to be his temple, and attaining rest, he who uniteth his soul with Siva, this is the Siva-yogi.
Brahma has given wealth to one man and a liberal disposition in the mind to another. May Brahma perish and his wife's marriage cord be broken at the wharf.
On the day when the term expired, it is impossible even for the three (Gods) to continue without suffering death. Why do ye dread the limit? Is the life eternal? It is brief, O Vema!
Why did Brahma bestow a delightful odour in a ball of ashes; what fault (falsehood) had gold committed before him? Let the widow of Brahma have her cord broken at the wharf.
He made the waters of the sea salt. He made the man of wealth avaricious. The acts of Brahma are acts of ashes.
p. 251
Beholding the craft of women, Bhairu Siva (Dog headed) refrained from marriage. So did the Big-bellied. Anjaneya (Hanuman) from his birth bound his langoti tight.
Time and fate are boundless. Let us not oppose them but conduct ourselves as they lead us here on earth. Leave Brahma (Vidhi) in his eternal sleep and dream. O! ye idiots all! walk; O! men in the ways of beatitude.
While you perform the worship of the shakti (inferior Goddesses) how should the Savitri (holy verse, Gayatri) continue on the earth? Sin is produced. Do not seize and punish it.
If a noble person comes and kills a cow, his crime-can by no means be evaded, and at last, he is surely to Yama as a goat bound for sacrifice.
The sun and the moon are present. The wind, fire and peacock spangled. Divinities are before thee. The earth and air are present. So many divinities are before thee. If thou wilt require, O Vema!
p. 252
Why marry? Why beget children? Why suffer this sorrow? It is madness! Like as though a man lifted a rock upon his head.

(My humble salutations to Sreeman C P Brown for the collection)


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