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Verses of
Yogi  Vemana

Translated from the Telugu by

C.P. Brown



Translated from the Telugu Verses

See how the Locomotives (jangams) eat immovable creatures. How animals eat vegetables of many different tastes. Then all animals soon eat themselves, O Vema! (Note the verbs are masculine),
If we go on worshipping (shactis)the demigods, what is the use of men any more in the earth. Think not it is a sin but seize and punish them all who in the world are men of virtue.
p. 218
Why should they who worship the (jeeva linga) living principle still think of stone figures? When ye have tasted delicious sugar will ye again taste what is bitter?
What is the use of wearing an empty lingam and painting your body with ashes; If you consider it closely--if you wash yourself and wear a lingam, will it fill your belly in any way?
After bathing, fasting, preparing food and desiring the god to eat it, they smite him on the face and devour it themselves. (satire)
Men imagine stones to be Siva, and magnify them. Stones are stones and not Siva. Why is it that we cannot discern Siva who dwells within us?
When a man comes up as evidence the court will be displeased with him, so if thou avoid all inconsistency, if thou neither diminish nor add to it. All other evidence is no evidence.
p. 219
Like as a pearl is produced united with tunga grass, like to a wishing tree growing before thy house, like as though the cow (camadhenu--the celestial cow) were born in thy presence, thus fortunate was the birth of Vemana in the world!
He who knowing the Everlasting considers Vemadu as Siva in his mind and cautiously guardeth his heart; this is the man of unfluctuating mind.
Are not all they who read the whole shastras on a level with those who do not read them, if from the mouth of the teacher they learn not true application (enjoyment)? Hear this word openly declared to the world!
He who can gainsay the writing of Brahma, he who can destroy the institutes of the Prime Vishnu, he who can stand in opposition to Him who has three eyes such shall never appear among men, save (excepting) thyself O! Vema!
p. 220
Fate continually awaiteth all men however great; is it a marvel when debasement comes? Did not Vishnu who bore the mountain Govardhan on his finger, afterwards float in peril on a banyan leaf?
Siva, the chief of Gods, though he burnt up cupid with the flame of his forehead eye cannot leave his wife; who then are the chiefs of sages who can desert woman?
Ah! did you never hear that golden animals (deer) are produced in the world? Is king Rama devoid of sense? Your schemes avail nothing for fate rules all.
When Dasaratha thought to crown his son Rama king of earth being deluded he bound his head with merely matted hair. Thus intentions avail nothing, For fate rules all.
p. 221
Did the amorous Hara (Siva) fail of becoming mighty? Did not the amorous Vishnu become mighty? If Ganesa who hated love become great?
With the army of monkeys that wandered the hills without food, Rama king of earth formed an army and conquered. But one Vibhishana ruled Lanka by the favour of Lakshmi.
When Siva struck off and threw away Brahma's head, did any of the other deities oppose him? Who can perfect the sinner who hath not the favour of Siva?
Though his dwelling be on Meru, the golden hill cupidity will not leave the God Indra himself. Did not he ask Karna for his armour and large earrings?
He, Vishnu, that lay down in the sea of milk, why should he have wished for the milk of the shepherd's village? How sweet is the property of our neighbour?
p. 222
Did not Indra, through cupidity become degraded? Was not cupid, through desire, turned into earth? When Brahma contracted desire did not he lose his principal head.
Cubera (Dhanapathi i.e. Plutus) being his friend, and united to him (the points of heaven they rule, touch and they are friends) how did Siva become a mendicant? However numerous your rich friends be, no wealth but your own can aid you.
In dress you may become a Dasari, when the due season is lost, you may become a Jangam, ascetic. But though then thousand things happen to you, you cannot become a Brahmin.
By the various names of generative eggs, having grown like hills, recklessly (dancingly, lit) they insult God When their turn arrives they fall in the hands of Yama's messenger.
Rama did not consider whether there were golden deers in the world or not? What is Rama so insance a prine? (sic.) If you leave your town and roam in the forests your senses will not remain.
p. 222
One Siva carried a woman Parvathi on his side; one Brahma held a woman, Saraswathi in his mouth. One Vishnu bore a woman, Lakshmi, on his breast; for woman they thus suffer great trouble.
Though he hath the hills of silver and gold, Kailasa and Meru, why doth the god Siva wander and collect alms. His neighbour's property is sweet to every man however great.
King Sibi cut a piece out of his body to give for a dove to a hawk. He became the topic of report and attained fame. They will not esteem him who is wicked, but will praise him who is charitable.
Vishnu left the circle of skin, and would not come to the shore being entangled in the wiles of Lakshmi, daughter of the sea. Vishnu (Shargnee the Bowyer) being so mighty, what can men do?
p. 224
He that is as great as Sukrachari, knowing all things with his sharp sight if instead of restraining his mind let it roam, is like the blind crow. (The crow and Sukrachari each have but one eye )
What king is mightier than (Duryodhana) Dhartarashtra? He and all the rest are dead, All the wicked shall surely suffer a violent death.
King Dasaratha when on earth, thinking it was an elephant (this is a story in Raghuvamsa) slew the son of the guru in the earth (or cast him down to the ground); through grief for his son was not his life also ended? (lit. his going was extinguished.)
Pandu, king of earth, slew the couple of animals (deer) through ignorance. Thereby how long did he live in the world, and what did he (eat) enjoy?
No man's acts can be transferred to another. God took the just king to an unsuitable place and changed, him into Kanku Bhatlu, alas, alas!
p. 225
Kaika (Kaikeyi) one wife of Dasaratha and mother of Bharata was born to cause the ruin of Rama's City. Seeta was born to destroy the state of Lanka and they say Chitrangi was born to destroy the king.
Surely the evil of poverty is an interminable degradation. Thereby king Nala left his palace. For a mere joy will they suffer such distress.
When we are born, before they seize and cut the navel; when we were born, god, the teacher was born in this world. Examine well and know this.
Though you be a hero, or have learned wisdom, or learnt reading, or be at court, beatitude will not reach you. It is the fruit of birth and you cannot attain it even by austerities.
p. 226
In the belly of Vishnu the world shineth (see Bhagavat-geeta). In it existeth all the universe. All the millions of animated are hence evidently Vaishnavites.
Still do they speak calling the world, illusion. It is no illusion. It is formed of the divinity. If this be delusion, tell me where the actual divinity is to be found.
Behold! Brahmins, Kshatrias, Vysyas, Soodras, even Brahma, Vishnu and Siva--these are beasts. In ignorance of the divinity have all these forms originated.
Produced before the water and germinating in water, that germ fills the world. Learn that this water is the world (mystic).
Hast thou not heard that Vishnu and the other god (Brahma) are dead? Hast not thou heard that Siva sports alone in varying forms through all religions. Hast thou not heard of those studies that have an aim. Reflect and know the season when thy day shall come, select the noblest and most stable pursuit.
p. 227
Ye who will not consent to give your women in marriage to all the (total) men of all castes, ye yet agree to take their daughters in marriage. O ye vile Brahmins!
His mother is Gowri (Parvati). His father is Shambhu (Siva). The troops of lower deities are all his relations. The house of his birth is the glorious Cailasa.
Using the terms mother and father they know not the truth being produced from the Yoni and Lingam. But know thou that the mother is Vishnu and the glorious Siva thy father.
Those men of wisdom, who begin by subduing their mind and thus live shall at last see the abode of bliss. If thou plant a tree shall not thou surely obtain its fruit.
If thou know the real nature of noble Shaiva calling (profession), walk in the knowledge of God. Though shall be as though born as of a tiger and lion.
p. 228
They who revile Siva all wear the attire of Vyasa and Dakhsa Prajapati and the rest are shameless like a man who knowing the evils of fornication and yet committing it.
The Shaiva creed is the most acceptable speaker of all the six creeds. Men cannot comprehend that God is one. The discrimination of persons exists in our fancies not in the deity.

(My humble salutations to Sreeman C P Brown for the collection)


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